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Ship propulsion shafting is an important part of a marine power plant, consisting of driving shafts, bearings, couplings and other shafting attachments. Ship propulsion shafting is utilized to connect the output flange of the Main Engine and the propeller. During the running of the shafting, various impact loadings and periodic excitation forces act on it. The duration time of impact loadings is short, and the vibration resulting from them will rapidly decay since the various damping effects in the shaft structure. However, the periodic excitation forces such as the diesel excitations and propeller excitations will lead to steady propulsion shafting vibrations since they are continuous excitations. Such steady vibrations include torsional, longitudinal and whirling vibrations. If the vibrations exceed the acceptable safety margins of the shaft structures, various shaft failures, or serious engine vibrations and hull vibrations, etc. will affect the efficiency and the ship safety. Therefore it is of great importance to research the ship propulsion shafting vibration.
Based on the shaft vibration theory, a shafting vibration calculation software by using MATLAB language was firstly developed which aimed at calculating the torsional, longitudinal and whirling vibrations of the shafting. The software was validated by the data available in the open literature, and the software was utilized to calculate the torsional, longitudinal and whirling vibrations of a shafting test bench. Secondly, according to the sizes of each part of the shafting test bench, a rigid-flex hybrid model for this shafting test bench was established by employing the 3D modeling software SolidWorks, the multibody dynamics simulation software ADAMS and finite element analysis software ANSYS. Then based on this model, the simulation analysis for the torisonal vibration under various working conditions was conducted, and obtain the angular velocity of the shaft and t
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