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摘 要 LED(发光二级管)自 20 世纪 60 年代问世后,技术不断发展,90 年代白光 LED 研发成功。由于 LED 具有节能、环保和寿命长等优点,所以 LED 有望成为新一代照 明技术,已经广泛应用于各个领域,尤其是路灯、隧道灯等公共照明系统。 论文分析了 LED 的工作特性,在此基础上讨论了 LED 的驱动方式。LED 的驱动方 式有交流驱动和直流驱动两种,首先分析了交流驱动的可行性,并且设计了一款交 流驱动的 LED 台灯,对其进行了测试,总结了交流驱动 LED 的优缺点。接下来讨论 了直流驱动中开关电源的工作原理,在反激变换器的基础上,采用高精度运算放大 器精确调节电源输出电流,并加入 ATmega8 单片机设计了调光系统。 在调光电源和 ATmega8 单片机系统的基础上,论文对系统的软硬件功能进行了 扩充,设计了大功率 LED 智能控制系统。硬件上我们加入了温度传感器、存储器和 RS485 接口电路,软件上我们编写了 RS485 通信协议,设计了智能控制系统软件,可 以实现温度检测、故障检测、智能调光、远程调光等功能。 系统调试与运行结果表明,论文所设计的大功率 LED 智能控制系统能准确实现 温度检测、故障检测、智能调光和远程调光的功能,并能够稳定、可靠的运行,满 足设计的要求,适合在 LED 路灯、隧道灯照明系统中使用。 关键词:大功率 LED 交流驱动 调光电源 单片机 智能控制 RS485 通信协议 Abstract The technology of LED(Light Emitting Diode) had been developing since it was invented in 1960s and white light LED was successfully developed in 1990s. Because of the advantages of power saving, environmental friendly and long life, LED is hopeful to become new generation lighting source and it has already been widely used in various fields, especially in public illumination system such as street lamp, tunnel lamp. In this thesis we analyzed the working behaviors of LED, then we discussed the driving methods of LED. The driving methods of LED included AC driving and DC driving. At first we analyzed the feasibility of AC driving, then we designed a AC driving LED desk lamp, tested it and summarized both advantages and defects of AC driving. And then we discussed the working theories of switching power supply in DC driving. O n the basis of fly-back converter, we used high precision operational amplifier to accurately regulate the output current and added ATmega8 SCM to design dimming system. With the design of dimming power supply and ATmega8 SCM system, we extended the software and hardware functions in system so as to design high power LED intelligent control system. In hardware we added temperature sensor, memory and RS485 interface circuit. In software we compiled RS485 communication protocols and designed intelligent control system



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