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摘 要
摘 要
人民代表大会监督在我国监督体系中占有重要地位,人民代表大会的监督权是人民 当家做主,掌握国家权力的根本保障。从上世纪 80 年代以来,地方各级人大及其常委 会对如何做好监督工作进行了一系列的探索,极大地推动了地方人民代表大会监督制度 的发展。但是现阶段地方人大及其常委会在行使监督权的过程中还存在很多问题,监督 的效果还不够好,还没有做到让广大群众满意。本文以我国地方人大监督制度为研究对 象,系统梳理了人大监督制度的思想来源和历史沿革,简要介绍了地方人大监督的理论 以及应当遵循的原则,并重点就地方人大监督在实践中遇到的政治体制、政治文化障碍 以及地方人大监督自身机制的缺陷等三方面进行了分析和研究,针对地方人大监督在实 践中存在的问题,以改进和完善监督制度为出发点,提出了捋顺党的领导和地方人大监 督的关系,建设有利于人大监督的政治文化,推行地方人大常委会委员专职化,推行地 方人大监督的公开化、日常化等建议,以期对促进地方人大监督制度的学术研究,进一 步加强人大监督工作的实效性,以及加快我国社会主义民主政治建设有所裨益。
关键词 人大制度 地方人大 监督制度
Supervision of the National People’s congress (NPC) plays a significant role in China’s supervision system. NPC’s power of supervision is the fundamental guarantee that the people are masters of the country and hold state power. Since 1980s, explorations have been made by Local People’s Congresses at various levels and their Standing Committees as to how to effectively implement supervision, greatly promoting the development of the supervision system of Local People’s Congresses. However, currently, there are still many problems when Local People’s Congresses and their Standing Committees exercise their power of supervision. People are dissatisfied with the effects. With supervision system of Local People’s Congresses as the subject, this paper sorts out the historical evolution, basic elements, and principles of supervision system of People’s Congress. The focus is on the analysis of barriers in political system and political culture met in the practice of Local People’s Congresses as well as drawbacks in the supervision system itself. Based on the analysis, the paper proposes three recommendations to address the problems: identify the relationship between the leadership of CPC and the supervision of Local People’s Congresses, establish a political culture conducive to supervision of People’s Congress, and adopt the full-time service of NPC deputies in the hope of deepening research on supervision system of Local People’s Congresses, strengthening the ef
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