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The phenomenon of company cross-shareholding first appeared in the developed capitalist countries, for which Western countries made different system arrangements according to their national conditions. The history of Chinas modern company system is relatively short, so the phenomenon of company cross-shareholding in recent years is the new situation of the practice of the economic life. The company cross-shareholding case happened between Guangfa Securities and Liaoning Chengda in 1999 was the first China’s company cross-shareholding law case. Since then, the phenomenon of company cross-shareholding in Chinas economic life has been a common occurrence. But Chinas relevant laws did not have any of the provisions of company cross-shareholding resulting lack of clear guidelines and norms. With the continuous exploration of company cross-shareholding in China’s economy practice, there is more and more requirement on further investigation and research in this area. Based on the research, we can perfect the legal regulation of company cross-shareholding.
In view of the current law lagging behind in the related areas, this paper made a depth study for the company cross-shareholding to reasonablly regulate and actively guide companies in Chinas economic practice of cross-shareholding, and improve Chinas legal system related. Make it compatible with the current economic development and create conditions for our laws to couple and integrate the relevant laws of developed countries. In this paper, six parts of the cross-shareholding between the companies were discussed:
The first part is the basic theory of companys cross-shareholding. First define the concept of company’s cross-shareholding. Then analyse the types of company cross-shareholding under different standards. Finally, make comparison between cross-shareholding companies and affiliated companies, investment companies to switch.
The second part is the positive and negative aspects of the an
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