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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
Terrestrial ecosystem is a huge carbon sink, and the effect of karstification on atmospheric CO2 precipitation could not be ignored. Previous researches have shown that
the involvement of microorganisms and their carbonic anhydras(e
CA)could accelerate the
absorption of CO2 by carbonate rock, leading to dissolution. In this paper, the spatial and temporal characteristics of soil fungal diversity in the southwestern typical karst area were investigated using PCR-DGGE technology, exemplified by Yaji Karst Experimental Site in Guilin and taking Silai clastic rock area as the control area. Moreover, the cloning and related bioinformatics analysis of β-CA gene from a typical bacteria producting CA were studied. The results of this paper lay a foundation for the further study on the role of microorganisms and their CA in karst carbon sinks. The main results in this paper are as follows.
The diversity index and richness of soil fungi community at different geomorphological positions in the Karst Experimental Site showed obvious difference, and the fungi community presented dominant phylotypes. The structure similarity of soil fungal community at different depth in the same geomorphological position was lower in spring, summer and autumn than that in winter.
The specific bands on the DGGE profiles of soil samples of the Karst Experimental Site in winter, 2012 and in summer, 2013 were purified and sequenced. The results showed that the soil in the Karst Experimental Site existed a large number of uncultured fungi, and the cultured fungi mainly include Aspergillus zonatus, Dothideomycetes sp., Mortierella alpina, Cryptococcus humicolus and Cladosporium sp.
The β-CA gene from a typical bacterium Bacillus cereus GLRT202 that could produce CA was cloned. The fragment length of this gene was 564 bp and the relative molecular weight was 21 kDa. The prediction results of molecular structure showed that the protein enco
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