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重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 重庆大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要 I I 摘 要 近年来,住房问题一直是人们关注的社会热点问题。广大中等偏低收入群体 的住房需求无法通过市场得以解决,也无法享受到国家为低收入者提供的保障性 住房。推行公租房正是在此背景下出现的填补我国住房保障制度空缺的一种实践 创新。 本文从公租房以及公租房法律制度的基本概念入手,分析了两者的地位和特 征,并将公租房法律制度与廉租房法律制度、经济适用房法律制度、住房公积金 法律制度之间进行了一个横向比较,总结了公租房法律制度在住房保障方面的优 势。接着深入剖析了公租房法律制度的理论基础,分别从人类学的层面、经济学 的层面以及宪法、经济法、社会法的层面进行了充分论证。然后分析了新加坡、 英国和美国三个国家与公租房相关的住房保障法律制度,并总结出国外住房保障 法律制度对构建我国公租房法律制度可供借鉴的成功经验,以期对我国公租房法 律制度的建设有所启示。在此基础上,通过考察我国公租房法律制度的演变历程 以及当前我国各大城市的运行模式,论述了我国公租房法律制度存在的问题,主 要表现在立法层次低、保障对象界定困难、房源供应严重不足、公租房资金来源 不稳定、公租房的管理机制不健全。最后是本文的重点部分,针对我国公租房法 律制度存在的问题提出了完善我国公租房法律制度的建议,主张从立法层面、准 入与退出机制、房源的拓展、资金的筹集以及管理体制五大方面完善我国的公租 房法律制度。 关键词:公租房,公租房法律制度,住房保障,住房问题 重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要 重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 II II ABSTRACT In recent years, the housing problem has been the hot spots of society. The majority of lower-middle income groups’ housing needs can not only be resolved through the market, but also can not enjoy the ensuring housing provided by countries for the low-income groups. The public rental housing promoted under this background is a practical innovation to fill the vacancy of a housing security system. This article analyzes the basic concepts, status and characteristics of the the public rental housing and the public rental housing legal system; and comares the legal system of public rental housing with the legal system of low-rent housing, the legal system of affordable housing, the legal system of housing provident fund; and sums up the advantages of public rental housing legal system in housing security. Then, the author illuminates the theoretical basis of the public rental housing legal system from Anthropology, economic and law. Nextly, the author analyzes the related housing security legal system of Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States, and summarizes Successful experience of foreign housing security legal system that can be learned to construct the public rental housing legal system. On the foundation of existing research, investigates the evolution process of the pub



peili2018 + 关注


