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I I 摘 要 摘 要 随着电力体制改革对于多种经营企业的处置工作接近尾声,保定电力多经企业 J 公 司在形式上已经成为一家大型的集体企业。国家政策一再推动多经企业与电力主业的分 离,试图打破两者之间的利益纽带,从制度上杜绝“寻租”情况的发生。电监会的监管 力度不断加大,公开招投标制度的推行,给 J 公司带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。在失 去原有竞争优势的情况下,如何维持企业健康发展,开辟新的效益增长点,提高核心竞 争力,是 J 公司当前首要考虑的问题。 本文根据 J 公司当前所面临的形势,对企业内外环境加以分析。通过 SWOT 等工具 针对企业外部和内部的机会、威胁、优势和劣势进行战略匹配。提出一套有针对性的战 略方案。以资源整合为基础,优先实施一体化战略,辅助多元化战略,分阶段分步骤的 推进。 最后对公司战略实施提出一些具体的措施和建议。 关键词 电力多经 一体化 多元化 发展战略 II II Abstract Abstract Near the end of the power system reform for the disposal of a variety of business enterprises, Baoding Power diversified enterprise J in form has become a large collective enterprises. National policy has repeatedly promote enterprises and the separation of the power of the main industry, trying to break the bond between the interests from the system to put an end to rent-seeking from happening. The SERC supervision has intensified, and the implementation of public bidding system to the J company brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges. In the case of loss of the original competitive advantage, how to maintain the healthy development of enterprises, and open up a new profit growth point, to improve core competitiveness, J primary consideration. Base the J Company’s situation, both inside and outside the enterprise environment. Corporate external and internal opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses through SWOT and other tools for strategic match. Put forward a set of targeted strategic programs. Strategic resource integration and implement integrated strategies and product development strategy, auxiliary diversification strategy, advancing step-by-step in stages. Finally, Made a number of specific measures and recommendations for the implementation of the strategy of the company. Keywords Electric Multi enterprises Integration Diversification Development strategy PAGE PAGE IV 目 录 目 录 第 1 章 绪 论 ·························································································· 1 1.1 研究背景和意义··································



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