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With the gradual increase in the level of Chinas national economy, science and technology continues to progress, more and more people as the residential requirements of the basic conditions of life. Reinforced concrete special-shaped columns is a shaped column instead of a generally rectangular column structure, is a relatively new residential structure system. This architecture has the column hidden within the walls, the profiled column cross-section is replaced by an ordinary rectangular column chamber wall formation, improve the the architectural flexibly arranged capability of expanding the use of the building area, while overcoming some of the common frame structure shortcomings. Browse the extensive literature shaped column frame structure is shaped column member cross-section, the calculation of the shear resistance, shaped column frame structure seismic research, engineering shaped column frame structure system design methods. Overall shaped column frame structure system is still a relatively new structural system, and thus to study the overall structure of the force and deformation is still very necessary.
This paper will select a frame, infilled wall stiffness and strength by not taking into account the special-shaped column frame, special-shaped column frame filled wall stiffness and strength are taken into account as well as rectangular column frame filled wall stiffness and strength of the three kinds of comparison and analysis of the internal force and lateral. In this paper the main research contents include the following:
This paper theoretically analyzes the influence of infilled walls for frame structure. Summary of a large number of domestic and foreign about the performance impact of infilled wall of reinforced concrete frame structural bearing capacity, stiffness, deformation and other research results, provide a reference for the future infilled wall model.
The introduces some theories related to the finite element calculation
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