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华北电 力大学( 北京〉硕士 学位论文 摘要  y6085 5 y 摘要 寻|入 竞争性的电力市场 后 ,我国电力工业取得了初步的改革成果。有数据显示, 一些地 区的电厂上网电价 较 之于引入电 力市场前 ,有了一一 定 的下降 。这说 明开放电 力市场的选择是正确的 。传统电力工业环 境下 ,维持系统安全可靠 运行的备 用服 务 由电网拥有的发电厂无偿提供;而在电力市场环境下,发电 厂从电网公司分离出 来 , 提供备用服务与否就成了发电厂自己的选择 。由于备用服务对 电网安全运行具有至 关重要的作 用 ,电网公司有义务提供激励 促使发电商提供充足的备用服务, 以维持 电网安全可靠 的运行 。 正是 基于 这种环境, 本论文选择了对 备用市场系 列 问题进行研究作 为 主 要 内 容,总结了 国内外对备用服务的研究成果,对备用服务进 行了定义、分类, 分别从 发电商、电网公司和用户的角度研究备用服务的定价、市场 模 式等问题,给出 了定 价方法的数学模型,并对 提出 的数学模型给 出了算例分析, 验证模型的可 行性。 关键词: 辅助服务,备 用服 务市场,报价,购买成本, 社会成本 ABSTRACT Our electric ìndustry has obtained some achievement through the introduce of compet?tiv e electric market o The data id巳ntifies that the electricíty price has decreased in some areao All those show that it is the right way to open electric market 0 In the tradition?l environment ,the services which maintain the secure and reliable operation of the grid include reserves ,and these services were provided by the generators that owned by the grid; however ,under the electric market condition ,generators are unbundled from the grid ,and they have their own choices to provide reserves or nòt o On the other hand , the reserves play a significant role in the reliable operation of the grid ,in order to maintain the grid operate in a secure and reliable way ,the State Grid should encourage the generators to provide enough reserve services 0 Under this condition ,this paper choose to study th巳 problems of reserve s in the electric marketo It summaries the theory ofreserves a11 over the world ,and analysis the problems of pricing and market design of the reserves ,from the perspective of the generators ,State Grid and customers respectively 0 In each chapter ,it present s some mathematic models to solve the pricing problems of reserves ,and gives numerical analys? s of the these models ,which veri岛,the feasibility ofthese modelso Key \Vords: Ancillary Service ,Reserve Markets ,Bidding Price ,Procurement Cost , Social Cost 华北电力 华北电力 大学(北京)硕 士学位论文 绪



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