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重庆大学硕士学位论文中 重庆大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要 I I 摘 要 汽车转向系统先后经历了机械转向系统、液压助力转向系统、电液助力转向 系统和电动助力转向系统(Electric Power Steering System,简称EPS)等几个阶段。 电动助力转向系统是把机械转向系统和一个受控电动机结合在一起,通过电机直 接助力。助力大小由电控单元控制,相比传统的助力系统,电动助力转向系统具 有节能、环保、更好的操纵特性等优点,并且紧扣现代汽车发展主题,已经成为 汽车转向系统研究的热点。 本文首先在分析EPS系统基本原理和简化EPS系统各部分动力学数学模型的 基础上,构建了EPS系统的数学模型,推导出了输出到输入的传递函数,分析了EPS 系统稳定工作的条件,为进一步的控制策略设计奠定了基础。 控制策略的设计直接影响 EPS 系统的性能。本文以助力控制策略为研究重点, 着重讨论如何实现电机电流对方向盘转矩快速,准确的跟踪,提出了模糊自适应 PID 控制策略。模糊自适应 PID 控制在系统动态过程中能实时改变 PID 参数,与 PID 控制相比,具有更快的响应速度,更好的稳定性和可靠性。并利用 Saber 仿真 软件搭建了 EPS 系统仿真模型,通过仿真分析验证了模糊自适应 PID 控制的有效 性。 最后以 dsPIC30f4011 为控制芯片完成了 EPS 系统硬件、软件的开发,并通过 EPS 系统台架试验,验证了所设计 EPS 系统硬件软件的可行性和所采用的控制策 略的有效性。 关键词:电动助力转向;助力控制;模糊自适应 PID 重庆大学硕士学位论文英 重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 II II ABSTRACT Steering system has gone through several stages, including Mechanical Steering System, Hydraulic Power Steering System, Electronic Hydraulic Power Steering, and Electric Power Steering System (referred to as EPS). EPS combines the mechanical steering system with a controlled motor. The motor provides direct assist, the assisted force to be controlled by ECU. Compare with traditional power systems, EPS has the following advantages, including energy saving, environmental protection, and better handling characteristics. EPS is cosely linked to the theme of modern automotive development, so it has become a hot spot. This paper has analyzed the basic principle of EPS system, simplified the EPS dynamics mathematical model, constructed a mathematical model of EPS system, established the output to the input of the transfer function and analyzed stability.The work is important for the constructi HYPERLINK /control/ on of control Strategy. The design of control strategy affects directly the performance of EPS. This paper has focused on assisted control strategy, discussed how the motor current tracked the steering wheel torque quickly and accurately, proposed fuzzy adaptive PID control strategy. Fuzzy adaptive PID control can change PID parameters in real-time dynamic pr



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