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摘 摘 要 摘 摘 要 摘 要 地方金融机构为迎合我国经济改革和发展的需要而建立和发展起来,而且形式逐 渐多样化,在促进地方经济发展中起到了举足轻重的作用。然而地方金融机构的风险 问题成为影响其生存和发展的重要问题,对一个地区的金融安全和经济稳定也构成了 潜在的不安定因素,本文就是以这一风险作为研究对象的。 为了使研究对象清晰化,文章首先对地方金融机构和地方金融风险进行界定,通 过分析和总结学术界对二者的研究,对地方金融机构和地方金融风险的含义和特征等 属性进行了较为详细的阐述,在此基础上提出地方金融风险评估体系,从风险指标的 选择、风险区间的划分、风险指标的计算以及分析的分析和评价四个部分全面阐释地 方金融风险评估体系,为地方金融风险提供计量尺度。接下来是地方金融风险预警系 统构想,文章针对地方金融机构特点提出风险预警系统的构建,为地方金融风险的管 理提供一定的参考。 评估地方金融风险之目的在于寻求地方金融风险的防范和化解之道,在前面研究 的基础上论文第五章提出防范和化解地方金融风险的途径和方法,包括建立不良债权 处置的长效机制、完善地方金融机构的管理体制、改善地方金融机构的外部环境以及 加强针对地方金融机构的制度建设。作为实证研究,最后部分是以山东省为例,将前 面的研究付诸应用,从地方金融风险中各个风险的分析到风险预警系统的验证,得到 一致结论,结尾部分特别针对山东省地方金融机构和地方金融风险的特点,指出山东 省地方金融风险在防范和化解中需要注意的问题。 关键词:地方金融机构; 地方金融风险; 评估体系; 预警;风险防范和化解. 万方数据 – I – – – PAGE IV – 万方数据 – – PAGE III – 万方数据 Abstract The regional financial institution was founded to satisfy the need of economic development, and it played an important role in Chinese regional economic development with different forms. The risks not only influence the survival of the regional financial institution itself, but also have something to do with the safety of finance and economic stability of a region. The regional financial risks are treated as the object of this research. In order to make the object of this research clear, the paper first described the meaning of the regional institution and the regional financial risks, based on which, the evaluation system is advanced, with the purpose of giving a measure of the risks. There are four parts in the evaluation system: the select of the index, the partition of the extent, the calculation of the index and the analysis of the risks. The conception of Early-warning System is brought forward in the next part, to make a reference for the management of the regional financial risks. The purpose of the risks’ evaluation is to find the key to solve the problem. The paper proposes the precaution against and reduces the financial risks, including es- tablishing the long-term mechanism, consummating the management system of the regiona



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