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H H 硕士等位论文 MASTERS THESIS 本文的创新之处在于 z 研究视角从传统的法学和传播学转变为公共管理学,从 公共管理学的角度对知情权保赔进行研究能够对信息、政府、公民、新闻媒体等各 个要索进行系统关注,避免了研究路役单一的弊端:在研究内容方面,笔者对知情 权客体的范畴进行了规范的界定,并以此为黎础对知情权主体的确定和关系进行了 疏理,由此为构建知情权保障体系奠定了理论基础;研究方法采取了生态分析方法, 对知情权所生存的不同生态环境进行了详细分析,不同的生态环境中的知情权体系 有所差异,打破了将所有知情权一概而论的传统局丽。 关键词s 公共管理:知情权:政府 硕士学位论文 MASTE R.S THESlS Abstract 、则。Inthe modern 也mocraticωciety govemed by law,the rightωknow is a basic right which the c?tizen enjoys,is the fOI1n创:ionandωre of many rights of citizen and it has aJready got 由.e gen创创 approval of many national laws and effective gt刷刷伽 of 世le system. ts of 刷刷15 consclousness recoveri吨provide 伽 space 伽 development of right to know.ηle cit?Zen蚓 a h:igh衍叫酬 to function of the government pl1blic 、 则。 information disclos创. Search of the ri脚 ωknow ωncealed 均pothe即由at the government behavior should be transparent and publíc. Therefore safe织wd ofrightω know research favor theωnstructiOD of the admínístt圳ve pl1blic sy蜘m. The rigl姐 ω 阳。w ís 加阳阴阳nt premise wh:ich the ci位棚 particip翩。叽加rch of 阳 rightω know favor 巾velopment of th,以町aboutω,nstitutíω1al government 、。r归时z.ation of pl1blic 硝ministration or Ci也en 毗i吻.R饵liz.ation of The cítizen basic políti佣1rights m翩翩翩shon 如刷刷anding realístic situatíon, f创izatíon of the ri酬ωknowis the important premise wh:ich other politiω1 rightsωn realíze. The marketωonomyhas blindness; the asymmetrical information isωsy to c航脚也ein货ingement of citizens property rights,Safegtmrd of rightω 灿owω,uld preventsωrrupt and enhan仰自由串 admini饰ative efficiency ,Grasps the r,创J eftiωtive 沁formation is 放le ímportant prernise ofthe ci悦 l国d society constru叫on.safeguard of riglltωknow is the essential ωnditíon ωωnstructs the g∞ d fai也 civilization,Along with 也e Gradual realization of our ωm盯 pl1blic partlcipation,也e government policy formulation 115 well as publics 1暗sponse all needs realization of rightω 阳,ow,也衍efore research of rightωknow has the tim忖:ignificanωunder the big backgroundωωnstruct harmonious social in our ωm盯.


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