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Two, Yaokanggou, Niujuangou region; Diebu: Gouxiahe on both sides of the Wangzanggou, Luodagou regional.
The micro-habitat selections of giant pandas in two regions have a
statistically significant difference. Such as altitude, slope shape, habitat types, the average diameter at breast height of tree, shrub cover, bamboo growth conditions, average height of tree, selection factors were different significantly. But as to the selection factors such as slope position, slope aspect, slope, height of bamboo, bamboo cover selection factors, there was no significant difference. This indicated that habitat selection of giant pandas in Gansu Minshan Mountains of different geographical regions showed similar and divergent characteristics. Furthermore, it was indicated the spatial scales are important factors when conducting research of giant panda habitat selection.
The main factors determined the activities of giant pandas in two regions are
different: the most important factor of giant pandas habitat selection of Baishuijiang is the vegetation factor and in Diebu region is the food. In general, the habitat selection factors of giant pandas in Gansu Minshan Mountains had a relatively consistent character: the more gentle slope of south-east aspect, with good growth of the clustered or mixed bamboo, bamboo cover larger and smaller shrub cover and located in the mountain, uphill bit moderate canopy density native mixed forest or coniferous forest, high trees, and less human disturbance, water relatively close.
Based on the regional differences of both the giant panda habitat areas, the
main disturbance factors of human interferences in Baishuijiang were grazing, digging, medicine and so on. Diebu region was caused by the impact of historical exploitation and grazing. Human disturbance in the two regions had a larger vertical distribution range, Baishuijiang for 2000—2800m and Diebu for the 2500—3100m.
These results will help to search for rea
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