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I 摘 要 当前提升嵌入式电子产品性能的方法有提高单片性能和利用多片进行级联;其中高 性能的芯片价格昂贵且开发难度大,而多片级联可以利用性价比高的芯片进行协同工作, 使用较低成本提高系统性能。但是,SoC(System on Chip)多片级联系统的一个难点在于 如何为多片协作构建通道。 本文基于安全防护产业之中的 DVR(Digital Video Recorder)系统,在系统中由于单片 视频处理芯片不能满足需求而采取双片级联的方式来提高性能,本文提出了一整套的设 计方案来完成双片交互,对主从片之间的协作通道进行了研究。首先,本文对系统中所 涉及的关键技术进行阐述,包括对作为协作交互元素的 SoC 系统和交互所依赖的 PCI 总 线进行说明,并简要分析 Linux2.6 系统中设备驱动模型,尤其是监视控制通道中所采用 的串口驱动模型;而后设计并提出了双片系统中的协作方案,包括利用虚拟串口实现的 监视控制通道,采用共享内存和环形缓冲区实现的信令传输通道以及基于 DMA 传输队 列并可进行任务调度的数据传输通道,最后分别对各个模块的性能进行测试并利用实际 的综合应用验证了模块协同工作的能力。本文重点论述了实际的 DVR 系统中双片协作 的工作原理,提出了适用于特定系统并具有扩展意义的的设计方案,并通过测试验证了 其在实践中的良好性能。 关键词:片上系统,PCI 总线,视频监控系统,Linux 设备驱动 II Abstract At present, the most two used solutions to enhance the performance of the electronical products are to improve the capability of the single chip and the cooperation of multi-chips. However, a single chip with high capability is difficult to develop and always expensive, as a result the multi-chips system becomes a better solution for its low price and high stability. But there is a problem for the multi-chips system: how to build a road for the multi-chips. This thesis is based on the DVR(Digital Video Recorder) project. In the project, a single chip could not meet the demands so the double-chips are needed to improve the performance. The thesis proposes a set of solutions for the communication between the two chips and does research on the double-chips system.Firstly, it describes the technologies involved in the system, including the element of communication SoC, the PCI bus that the communication depends on, along with the Linux devices driver especially the serial port driver; then it proposes a set of solutions for the communication between chips, including the controlling channel working as the Linux vitural serial port driver, the command channel using the shared memory and the ring buffer, the data channel that implemented upon the DMA scheduled-task list; at last, does test for the three channels separately and checks the cooperation of them by



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