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主讲人:Lydia Do u have an english name? When you have a good * Greetings Hello, boys and girls.I?m Lydia, Nice to meet you! May I know your name? What?s your name? Whats your name? Alma爱玛 [?lm?] Kelly 凯莉[k?li] Linda 琳达[l?nd?] Lucy 露西[lusi] Sandy 仙蒂[s?nd?] Bill 比尔[b?l] David 大卫[dev?d] I will give you stars. If you get most of stars,you will get a prize. answer game action * / 12 Do you remenber your english name? Yes:I will give you a star No:sorry.you got noting. Lets play a game. Catch the ball and tell me your name. (please catch it and tell me your name.) T: What?s your name? review[r?vju?]:use card.(炸弹游戏) Let’s play a game: I say,u guess,okay? its a place. Some times,you will go fishing in that place. Some times,you will fly kites in that place. Okay guys let us learn the word. Do you like traveling [tr?vl??] ? park[pɑ?k] Game: When I read loudly, you must read lowly. And when I read lowly, you must read loudly. zoo[zu?] game: When I raise the card, you speak loudly. When I put down the card, you speak in a low voice. Lets play a game. 在学生左手写上park,右手写上zoo. 老师念park学生举左手,老师念zoo,学生举右手。 When,i say park,u put up ur right hand, when i say zoo,u put up ur left hand. Are u ready?Go.. kindergarten [k?nd?,gɑ?t(?)n] game: Now, u hide the card, when i near the card, u speak loudly. OK? school[sku?l] game: I say one, u say school, i say two, u say school,school. Lets play a game. bomb [b?m] game!!! Lets play a game. Lets talk Lets play a game. 鸵鸟游戏:老师把画有动物的白纸风别贴在大家背上, 选出两个同学面对面,手背在身后,伸长脖子看对方背上的单词, 并大声读出来。 thanks bye bye ? ??? ????? ???????. ???? *


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