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A b A b stra c t T h e p ractice o f startin g a b u sin ess ch an g es th e em ploym ent p attern s. N ew bu sin esses in crease job opp ortun ities, w h ich m ean s th at th e rate o f em p loym en t can b e im p rov ed b y n ew ly -started enterp rises (in cludin g coop erative organ ization s, private bu sin ess an d p rojects). T h is is m ain ly reflected in tw o asp ects. F irst, th e en trep ren eurial activ ities o f p eop le can h elp th em selv es realize em p lo ym ent; secon d , startin g a n ew v en ture m ean s m ore job op en in gs, p rov idin g o th er p eop le w ith op p ortun ities to b e em p loy ed . C olleg e Stu den ts5 p rom otion o f em p loym ent throu gh startin g a new b u sin ess is an inn ov atio n al activity carried out by th o se in d iv idu als or group s, w h o are receiv in g or h av e com p leted their high er edu cation an d p ut th eir kn ow ledg e an d sk ills into practice in econ o m ic or cu ltural areas. W h ile th ey are creatin g m aterial an d sp iritu al w ealth ,th ey create jo b o p p ortu n ities for o th ers. A cco rd in g ly, th is th esis attem p ts to carry o u t an inv estigation on th e effects an d co unterm easures of co lleg e stu d en ts5 p rom otin g em plo ym ent throu gh u nd ertak in g new b u sin esses w ith three asp ects tak en into con sid eration ,n am ely th e con stru ction o f co n cep tu al m o d el,th e op eratio n o f fun ctio n in g m ech an ism , an d th e sign ifican ce o f th e co n cept th at entrep ren eu rial edu cation p rom otes em p loym ent. D raw in g o n th e th eo ries in eco n om ics, P E S T ex tern al en v iro nm en t o f m an ag em en t an d S W O T im p act facto r an d tak in g in to accou n t th e d om estic an d intern atio n al p ractices an d ex istin g m acroecon om ic en v iron m ent in C h in a,th e auth or m ak es an an aly sis on h ow to con stru ct th e three lev els of th e m o del for prom oting em p loy m ent b y startin g n ew bu sin



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