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第35 卷 第8 期 中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol. 35 No. 8 2015 年8 月 Journal of Central South University of Forestry Technology Aug. 2015 Doi:10.14067/j .cnki.1673-923x.2015.08.014 http : // 臭松次生林径级择伐技术研究 许 澍,肖化顺 (中南林业科技大学,湖南 长沙 4 10004 ) 摘 要:以吉林省汪清林业局臭松次生林为研究对象,根据96 株解析木的年龄和树高的关系,将臭松次生林的 立地条件分为好、中等、较差3 类。在3 类不同的立地条件下分别以平均木作为解析木,研究林分的生长过程 与生长规律,结合臭松林分的心腐率,以林木的胸径大小确定择伐对象,从而得到不同立地条件下的臭松次生 林择伐木标准。确保臭松次生林在可持续经营的基础上,获得优质木材,得到最大的综合效益 关键词:汪清林业局;臭松次生林;生长规律;心腐率;择伐技术 中图分类号:S752.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-923X(2015)08-0069-04 Study on selection cutting techniques according to diameter class for Adiessibirica ledeb secondary forests XU Shu, XIAO Hua-shun (Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, Hunan, China) Abstract: Based on the Adiessibirica ledeb secondary forest of Wangqing Forest Bureau in Jilin province, according to the relationship of tree-age and tree height from 96 analytic trees, we divide the site conditions of Adiessibirica ledeb into three categories: good, medium, poor. Under the three kinds of different site conditions, we choose average tree as the analytic trees respectively, study the stand growth process and growth rhythm, combined with heart rot rate of Adiessibirica ledeb stand, based on the DBH, We determined the selective cutting obj ect, thus we can obtain the selective cutting wood standards of Adiessibirica ledeb under different site condtions. On the basis of sustainable management, we achieve high quality wood, get the most comprehensive benefits. Key words: Wangqing Forestry Bureau; Adiessibirica ledeb secondary forests; growth law; hea



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