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多元系统理论视角下译者主动翻译法的 应用分析
杨_秋王露原 青岛科技大学国际学院青岛科技大学外国语学院
针对多元系统理论在二语互译屮存在的无法充分传达源语信息及保持译作特色 的问题,提出了译者主动翻译法及其实践“三步曲”。该翻译法通过输入材料分 析、思维转换分析、输出材料分析“三步曲”的运用,能有效消解翻译过程中译 者以目的语为核心釆取翻译策略导致的原作信息不充分、译作特色不鲜明的问 题。而文化模式中的环境因素、译者个体经验差异和两种语言本身的因素是造成 译者主动翻译法实践屮的译者屮心主义的主要文化因素。研究认为译者主动翻译 法对翻译实践过程中忽略译者的主动性以及源语创作的丰富性等方而能产生积 极的弥补作用,而了解了文化模式冲突则对译者选择翻译策略和翻译方法有一 定的启发性和实践指导意义。
作者简介:杨一秋(1963-),女,山东威海人,青岛科技大学国际学院副院长, 教授。
The application analysis of translators initiative translation method from the perspective of polysystem theory
YANG Yi-qiu WANG Lu-yuan
International College, Qingdao University of Science and Technology; School of Foreign Languages, Qingdao University of Science and Technology;
Aims at the problems that the polysystem thcory carrnot fully convey the source language information and keep the translation feature in the two-language translation, this paper puts forward the translator s initiative translation method and its practice three stepsn . The purpose of this method is to effectively clear up the insufficient inf onnQti on of orig ined works and the in dis tinctivc tran sla tion resu ltcd from the translation strategy of focus on target language during the translation process by the application of Inputting the Material Analysis, Thinking the Transformation Analysis, and Outputting the Material An alysis. However, the environmen tai factors, the tra nslators in dividual cxpericncc emd the factors of the two Ianguages in cultural pdttcrns are the main cultural factors causing the translator individualism in the practice of translator s active translation. Studies show that translators initiative translation method has some inspiring and practical significance for the translators and, moreover, knowing cultural patterns conflict can help tremslators to choose the proper translation strategy and methods.
polysystem theory; translators initiative translation method; the conflict of cultural peittern; the
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