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关于深基坑支护结构设计方案的优选和优化设计探讨 关于深基坑支护结构设计方案的优选和优化设计探讨 摘要 本文在总结有关文献的基础上,以深基坑支护结构设计方案优选和方案优化 设计为主线,分析深基坑支护结构的设计计算理论和H算方法。讨硷了深撼坑支 护结构的发计方案的优选和优化设计的基本理论和殴计方法。并结合具体工程实 例运用优化理论和方法对深基坑支护结构设计方案进行优选和优化设计。 本文在总结深基坑工程设计与施工实践的基础上,提出深撼坑支护结构设 计方案优选的各种方法,比较和分析各种优选方法的优缺点,提出以定性分析和 经验加权评分法相结合的支护结构设计方案的优选方法。通过方案优选确立最佳 方案后在旖工前,需对所选定方案进行细韶优化设计。。着重考虑支护结构安全经 济合理性,提出阻变形控制作为约束条件以工程造价为目标函数的优化设计方 法。改进以往优化设计直接以工程造价为目标函数单一做法。并针刑具体工程实 例以常见用桩锚支护结构形式为例进行优化设计。 最后,通过深基坑的支护结构设讨。方案的优选、优化设计的探讨,阐述深 基坑支护施工监测与信息化施工的目的与作用,提出动态没计是未来深基坑工程 设计与施工的发展趋势,以及深蕾坑丌挖引起J;f=境问题及防治科策。 关键词:深基坑方案优选优化设计监测与信息化 A A probe i nto the SeI ecti on of Desi gni ng Scheme of Deep-Base—Ho I e Prop Construct i oF}and the Ref i ned Des i gn (abstract) This paper,based on the genera]jzatioil of relatire renown analysis and with the selectiOil of designing scheme oF deep—base—hel e prop constructioR and the refined design as the main c J ue.anal vzes the main indexes concerningthe design ofthe deep—base~he]e prop constrtict[on,the theory and the method oF catcutat.ion.diSCUSSeS the l}aSjC theory and the designing method in relation to the selection of designing scheme of deep—base—hele prop construction and ref‘ined desjgning.combines the speci fic construction and engineering and applies the ret’i ned theory and method to select the des Lgn【ng scheme or p]ErR and to per[ect the design. Thi s paper,al so based on the gene ral izat:i oR or the designing of deep—base engi neering and of the construetion aetivity。proposes variOUS methods of se]ection of designing scheme of deep—hol e prop construction.compares and analyzes Strong points and weak poi nts of vatiOUS selected methods,and presents selecting mei,hod of prop and construct J on designing scheme which characfor i ZeS the comb[nat ion of definite property aralysjs and the method of empiFj cal.Af’ter the optimum scheme is set tihrough the selection of methods and before the construction,Lhe specifjc abeI re Fined design Jng ofthe stlected scheme is needed, wj Lh the emphasis on COnSider



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