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基于高分子透湿膜的全热回收器的试验研究梁才航1,2( 1. 桂林电子科技大学,广 基于高分子透湿膜的全热回收器的试验研究 梁才航1,2 ( 1. 桂林电子科技大学,广西桂林 541004; 2. 华南理工大学化学与 化工学院传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,广东广州 510640) 摘 要: 利用透湿膜设计制造了一台平行流道结构的全热换热器,并在焓差实验室对其进行性能测试。试验研究了室 内侧的干球温度 27℃ ,湿球温度 19℃ 的条件下,迎面风速变化、新风温度变化、新风相对湿度变化时对全热换热器的显 热效率、潜热效率、阻力的影响。实验研究表明,在较高的迎面风速的条件下,全热换热器仍然具有较高的显热效率和潜 热效率。显热效率和潜热效率分别在 70% ~ 85% 和 60% ~ 75% 之间。温度和湿度变化对显热效率的影响很小,而对潜 热效率的影响很大。随着新风的温度和相对湿度的增大,潜热效率也随着增大。在炎热潮湿的气候条件下,基于高分子 透湿膜的全热回收器具有较高的显热效率和潜热效率,表明了这种换热器在南方地区具有较好的应用前景。 关键词: 全热回收器; 透湿膜; 平行流; 试验研究 中图分类号: TH137. 8; TK124 文献标识码: doi: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1005 - 0329. 2013. 04. 014 A Experimental Investigation of a Total Heat recovery with Polymer Permeable Membrane LIANG Cai-hang1,2 ( 1. Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,China; 2. Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation of Education Ministry,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China) Abstract: A parallel - structure total heat recovery is fabricated and designed with PVDF membrane. Experiments are conduc- ted under variable operating conditions in the psychrometric calorimeter chamber. The effects of varying operating conditions like air velocity,temperature and air humidity on the sensible effectiveness,latent effectiveness and pressure drop are evaluated with indoor exhaust air dry bulb 27 ℃ ,wet bulb 19 ℃ . The membrane-based total heat recovery has a high sensible and latent effec- tiveness under high air velocity. The sensible and latent effectiveness are 70% ~ 85% and 60% ~ 75% ,respectively. The fresh air temperature and relative humidity have little effect on sensible effectiveness. However,the fresh air temperature and relative humidity have a great effect on latent effectiveness. The latent effectiveness increases with an increase of the fresh air temperature and relative humidity. The membrane-based total heat recovery has a high sensible and latent effectiveness under hot and


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