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2008 届临床七年制硕士研究生毕业论文
The relationship between serum-cholesterol and
intracoronary in-stent restenosis
The Background and purpose :
Gruentzig carried on the first case of the percutaneous transluminal
coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in 1977 Hereafter in more than 20 years
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has gotten rapid development In
the development of PCI the critical problem we are facing is the high rate of
restenosis happening 6 months after operation,which is about 30-50% So our
main concern is now on the pathophysiological mechanism of this course To
evaluate the relationship between serum-cholesterol and intracoronary
in-stent restenosis during angiographic follow-up we study and research the
affective factor though 370 cases who have accepted the second coronary
artery angiography in our hospital from 2001-5 2006-10 by the method of
2008 届临床七年制硕士研究生毕业论文
Methods :
370 patients who were implanted stent in coronary artery and
reangiographied in our hospital from 2001-5 2006-10 were selected in our
investigation There were 94 cases with in-stent restenosis and 276 cases
without in-stent restenosis All cases were divided into two groups according
to the result of angiography if there was restenosis The definition of
restenosis is within 5mm outside from the stent. The reference vessles are the
normal blood vessel farside the lesion The radiography machine is VOC
digital subtraction angiography(DSA) from GE company in American The
operation method was the method of Judkin’ s puncture through right femoral
artery The diseased vessels were photographed by left anterior oblique and
cranial, post-anterior and caudal left and lateral, right and lateral position.
According to dividing the case into restenosis group(n=94) and without
restenosis group(n=276) then compared dangerous factors,characteristic of
lesions of two groups analysed the data with software of SAS6 12 The data
of numerical variable were analysed with t-test the data of categorical
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