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Machinerys Handbook 28th Edition
HYPERLINK / Copyright 2008, Industrial Press Inc., New York, NY -
A splined shaft is one having a series of parallel keys formed integrally with the shaft and mating with corresponding grooves cut in a hub or fitting; this arrangement is in contrast to a shaft having a series of keys or feathers fitted into slots cut into the shaft. The latter construction weakens the shaft to a considerable degree because of the slots cut into it and consequently, reduces its torque-transmitting capacity.
Splined shafts are most generally used in three types of applications: 1 ) for coupling shafts when relatively heavy torques are to be transmitted without slippage; 2) for trans- mitting power to slidably-mounted or permanently-fixed gears, pulleys, and other rotating members; and 3) for attaching parts that may require removal for indexing or change in angular position.
Splines having straight-sided teeth have been used in many applications (see SAE Paral- lel Side Splines for Soft Broached Holes in Fittings); however, the use of splines with teeth of involute profile has steadily increased since 1) involute spline couplings have greater torque-transmitting capacity than any other type; 2) they can be produced by the same techniques and equipment as is used to cut gears; and 3) they have a self-centering action under load even when there is backlash between mating members.
Involute Splines
American National Standard Involute Splines*.— These splines or multiple keys are similar in form to internal and external involute gears. The general practice is to form the external splines either by hobbing, rolling, or on a gear shaper, and internal splines either by broaching or on a gear shaper. The internal spline is held to basic dimensions and the external spline is varied to control the fit. Involute splines have maximum strength at the base, can be accuratel
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