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国际专有技术许可合同(中英文) FORM OF LICENCE CONTRACT FOR TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW ?   合同目录Contents of Contract   第一条 定义Definition   第二条 合同范围Scope of the Contract   第三条 合同价格Price of the Contract   第四条 支付条件Conditions of Payment   第五条 技术资料的交付Delivery of the Technical Documentation   第六条 技术服务和人员培训Technical Service and Personnel Training   第七条 考核和验收Tests and Acceptances   第八条 保证和索赔Guarantees and Claims   第九条 侵权和保密Infringements and Confidentiality   第十条 税费Taxes and Duties   第十一条 不可抗力Force Majeure   第十二条 争议的解决Disputes Settlement   第十三条 合同生效及其他Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous   第十四条 法定地址Legal Addresses ?   合同附件Annexes   附件一 合同产品的名称、型号、规格和技术参数 (略) Annex 1 Names, Models, Specifications and Technical Indices of the Contract Products. ?  附件二 技术资料的内容,数量和交付计划 (略) Annex 2 The Contents, Numbers and Schedules of Delivery for the Technical Documentation. ?  附件三 合同产品的考核程序和验收标准 (略) Annex 3 Test procedure and Acceptance Standard of the Contract Products. ?  附件四 出让方技术服务的内容和要求 (略) Annex 4 The Contents and Requirements of the Technical Service of Licensor. ?  附件五 受让方人员培训的内容和要求 (略) Annex 5 The Contents and Requirements for Training of Licensee’s Personnel.   附件六 出让方银行出具的不可撤消的保函格式 (略) Annex 6 Specimen for Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee issued by the Licensor’s Bank. ?  签约时间:Signature Date:   签字地点: Signature place:   合同号:Contract No.: ? ?   中国,北京,____ 公司(以下简称“受让方”)为一方,_____国_____市_____公司(以下简称“出让方”)为另一方; China, Beijing, ______Company (hereinafter referred to as “Licensee”) on the one hand, and ______Company, _______City, _____Country (hereinafter referred to as “Licensor”) on the other hand; ?鉴于出让方拥有设计、制造、安装、销售____ 产品的专有技术;  鉴于出让方有权,并且也同意向受让方转让上述专有技术; Whereas Licensor has the Technical Know-how, which design, manufacture, install and sell the ____ products; Whereas Licensor has right and agreed to transfer the above-mentioned technical know-how to Licensee;   鉴于受让方虚妄利用出让方的专有技术设计、制造、销售和出口_____产品;   双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签订本合同。 Whereas Licensee hopes to use to technical know-how of Licensor to desi


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