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历年全国国际商务英语一级口语考试翻译真题汇总 1.我们非常荣幸地邀请了来自美国的合作伙伴。 We are very honored to have invited our partners from the USA. 2.这个报价是合理的,符合当前市场的价格水平。 This offer is reasonable and is in line with the current market price. 3.希望我的介绍能让大家更好地了解本公司。 Hopefully, my introduction can help you gain a better understanding of our company. 4.我们愿意成为你们产品在中国的独家代理。 We shall be pleased to act as the sole agent in China for your products. 5.对于企业来说,盈利永远是最重要的。 Making profits is always the most important thing for an enterprise. 6.如果真是这样,我也只好接受你们提出的支付方式。 If it is really the case, I have to agree to your payment terms. 7.我们公司成立于两年前,总部设在中国深圳。 Our company was founded two years ago with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China . 8.这款打印机经济实惠,而且很少发生故障。 This model of printer is economical and reliable. 9.有了您的参与,我对这个项目的成功充满信心。 With your participation, I am fully confident of the success in this project. 10.我们先就佣金达成协议,再谈运输问题。 Let’s come to an agreement on the commission and then we can talk about the transportation. 11.我们期望能尽快得到你们老板的明确答复。 We look forward to a confirmed reply from your boss as soon as possible. 12.为防止意外,我们希望货品采用木箱包装。 In order to avoid accidents, we hope that the goods will be packed in wooden cases. 13.我代表总经理向各位来宾致以诚挚的欢迎! On behalf of our general manager, I’d like to express our warmest welcome to all the guests 14.今年我国的进出口总额比去年增长了30%。 The volume of imports and exports of our country increased by 30% compared with those of last year. 15.我们之间的相互了解必将促成今后的合作。 Our mutual understanding will certainly result in future cooperation. 16 .我们最近收到的订单太多,需要时间核对。 We have received too many orders recently and it takes time to check them. 17.为了纪念我们的这次合作,我为您准备了一份礼物。 I have a present for you to mark the success of our cooperation. 18.由于原材料涨价,我们不得不调整产品的价格。 Because of the rising cost of raw materials, we are forced to adjust our product prices. 19.我们公司深受国内外客户的信赖和称赞。 Our company has won trust and praise from our clients at home and abroad. 20.我们真诚希望此次交易能令双方满意。 We sincerely hope that this transaction will satisfy both parties.



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