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中国农村信用社的发展探讨 [扌商要]中国农业和农村经济正处在新的的发展阶段,随着金融体制改革的不断 深化。作为中国农村金融的主力军和联系广大农民的金融纽带,农村信用社必须 适应农业和农村经济发展的这一新情况、新特点、新要求。本文围绕屮国农村信 用社发展模式进行了探讨。论文首先提出中国农村信用社的现状和存在的问题, 其次对于当前农村制约信用社发展的因素进行分析,再对如何促进信用社发展进 行探讨,最后根据这些情况提出促进对农村信用社发展的对策建议。本文围绕农 村信用社的发展,把遍布乡镇的农村信用社网点作为核心竞争力,致力于促进农 村信用社经营水平和业绩提升。 [关键i司]中国农村信用社 发展方向 发展模式 The Development Model of Chinese Rural Credit Cooperatives [Abstract] This article discusses around the mode of development Chinese rural credit cooperatives. The paper firstly China stage of the development of agriculture and rural economy analysis, secondly to Chinese rural finance to adapt to the development of agriculture and rural economy of this new situation, new characteristics and new requirements, relying on the support of the country and its advantages, through the deepening of reform, the development direction of positioning in the service Hthree agriculture1, the local community of small and medium sized enterprises personal loans and retail business. Finally, according to the different development in different parts of choosing the suitable developing model, to solve the problems currently facing the weak financial strength, business single, a heavy historical burden, property rights system is not clear, rural credit cooperatives can better serve the ”three rural, promote full competition in rural financial market, effectively support the construction of new socialist countryside. According to our country agriculture in rural credit cooperatives, this paper around the development of rural credit cooperatives,rural credit cooperatives in the outlets throughout the township as the core competitivenessjs committed to promoting management level and performance of rural credit cooperatives? [Key word] China rural credit cooperatives The develpment direction Development mode 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 引 言 1 \o Current Document 一、 中国农村信用社的现状和存在的问题 1 (-)地区Z间发展不平衡 2 \o Current Document (二) 农民贷款与支农服务粗壮矛盾 2 \o Current Document (三) 员工整体素质偏低,竞争意识不强 2 \o Current D


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