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* 社会创新与社会组织发展 Social Innovation and Development of NGOs 王 名 Wang Ming 2008.12.4 要 点 Outline 社会改革和社会创新面临的问题 The problems faced by social reform and social innovation 社会组织的发展过程和发展趋势 The development history and trend of NGOs 社会改革和社会创新面临的问题 The problems faced by social reform and social innovation 社会改革的必然性 Inevitability of social reform 社会创新的基本命题 Basic propositions of social innovation 社会改革和社会创新面临的难题 Difficulties in social reform and social innovation 1.1 社会改革的必然性 Inevitability of Social Reform 社会改革 Social reform Political reform Economic reform 社会改革 Social reform 1.2 社会创新的基本命题 Basic Propositions of Social Innovation 单位体制瓦解 Disintegration of organization system 事业单位改革 Reform of public institutions 社会团体改革 Reform of social organizations 人民团体改革 Reform of people’s groups 后门关系失灵 Failure of backdoor practices 社会诚信丧失 Loss of social creditability 社会重组 Social reconstruction 社会组织发育 Development of NGOs 社区建设 Community building 公民参与 Citizens participation Abolish the old Establish the new Abolish the old system of social governance Abolish the old mode of social organization Abolish the old form of social capital Adapt to the development of market economy Adapt to the orientation of political reform Adapt to the needs of civil society 1.3 社会改革和社会创新面临的难题 Difficulties in Social Reform and Innovation 旧体制已适应市场经济 The old system has already adapted to the market economy 适应市场经济的旧体制处于寡头垄断地位 The old system that has adapted to the market economy holds an oligarchic position 旧而不破 It is old but hard to be abolished; 新而不立 It is new but hard to be established; 新溶于旧 The new then mixes with the old; 新而无创 Hence no innovation is made Difficulties in abolishing the old Difficulties in establishing the new Difficulties in innovation 社会组织的发展过程和发展趋势 Development Process and Trend of NGOs 社会组织的界定与公民社会的含义 The definition of NGO and meanings of civil society 中国社会组织的发展历程 The development history of Chinese NGOs 中国民间组织发育和发展的社会基础 The social basis for the growth and deve


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