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4.10音乐厅和圆形剧场 在通向高尔夫球场的景观大道边设计了音乐厅和室外圆形剧场,作为整个小区的一个景观焦点,这个焦点同时也是新一期景观的核心所在。音乐厅的设计借鉴了位于美国马萨诸塞州坦格尔伍德的著名室内外音乐厅,音乐厅的墙体设计成可移动的,天气晴朗的时候可在圆形广场进行户外音乐演出,天气不允许的话,就在户内演出。音乐厅还可以用开舞会以及其它的社区活动(可以作为新一期的临时会所)。位于音乐厅及湖湾之间的开阔地是圆形草坪剧场,剧场的形式借鉴了欧洲18世纪典型的室外圆形剧场,就像英格兰的Claremont剧场一样。 4.10 concert hall and amphitheater Besides the landscape avenue to the Golf course, will be the concert hall and outdoor theater. The first neighborhood, and focus of the model design work, directs the resident or guest’s attention to the area focal point: the concert hall and amphitheater. Based on the famous indoor/outdoor concert hall at Tanglewood in the State of Massachusetts in US, the concert hall is designed with moveable walls to allow for outdoor concerts in the amphitheater when the weather is good, and also enclosed concerts when the weather does not permit. The concert hall can also be used for dances and other social activities. A giant lawn amphitheater connects the concert hall to the lake and follows the prototype of 18th Century European lawn amphitheaters such as the famous one at Claremont in England. 4.11“音乐之声”落水瀑布以及桃园 音乐厅位于山的制高点,在这里可以看到湖的全景,看到湖泊落水区以及上游山脚下的清水池塘。湖泊以及池塘的补水来自自然的山水。山水经过形成的河流以及小型水体都要经过景观的处理,对山水进行过滤,保证进入景观区域的水没有淤泥及杂质。 在音乐厅椭圆形的停车广场南侧设计了桃园,这也是龙泉驿区的生态标志之一。无论是在中国还是美国,桃园以及鸟鸣都能激发作曲家的创作灵感,在这里我们整合了这两种元素进入我们的景观设计。 4.11 “Sound of music” waterfalls and peach orchards A panoramic view of the lake is provided from the concert hall, when viewed over the terraces cascades and vernal pools at the base of the hill. These pools are fed by natural streams, channeled through rustic stone waterfalls and clear shallow basins. Peach orchards, which this area is famous for, are planted in the south of the concert hall drop-off oval. Peaches and natural birdsongs are the inspiration for musical compositions both in America and China and this area unites these two traditions. 4.12钢琴池塘 钢琴池塘位于河水上游的钢琴池塘为人们提供了另一个有草坪以及盛开着鲜花的室外休闲花园。公园内弯曲的人行桥就像是一个空白的五线谱,而行走其其上的行人就像是一个个音符在创造他们自己的音乐。在这样一个有诗意的小公园里,人们可以坐在“雨亭


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