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文章编号:1006 - 5911 (2008) 05 - 0944 - 07 客户协同创新的内涵与概念框架及其应用研究 杨育,郭波,尹胜,王伟立,张晓冬 (重庆大学机械工程学院,重庆400030) 摘要:基于客户与专业设计人员在知识结构和创新技能方面的不对称性,提出了一种客户协同创新的产品 创新模式,并进行了探索性的研究。首先给出了客户协同创新的定义及内涵,建立了一个指导客户协同创新的概 念框架。在框架中,提出了技术激励的矩识螺旋协同创新工作原理,建立了全域可重构的智能工作模型,用于描述 客户协同创新的工作过程,提出了客户协同创新使能平台的主要功能结构。为验证所提出的工作厢理及工作模型 的有效性,给出了客户协同创新在日用陶瓷产品创新中的应用实例。最后对客户协同创新中龛績摻索的问题领域 进行了分析,指出客户协同创新通过客户的深度集成和团队的协同工作求激发群傣鯛刀『齡菇寵用于具有高 度创新性和市场主导力的新产品开发过程。 尖键词:产品创新;客户;协同创新 中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A Connotation , theory frame work and applicattdh of customer collaborative innovation YA NG Yu , GUO B o, YIM S heng . VVA NG \Vei2li, Z HA NG Xiaoldong (School of Mechanical Engineering , Chongqing University , Chongqing 400030, China) Abstract : Based on the dissymmetry of creativity between customer and professional designers , a new product inno2 vation pattern called Customer Collaborative Innovation (CCI) was proposed and studied? Concept and connotations of CCI were presented , and a theory f ramework guiding the implementation of CCI was formulated. In this f ram2 work , a technology2driven knowledge spiral collaborative innovation mechanism and a multi2domain configurable in2 telligent working model were set up to describe working process of CCI. Main function st ructure of the enabled plat2 form of CCI was presented and analyzed? To validate the working mechanism , a collaborative innovation platform for ceramic products was provided? Finally , some prospective research areas of CCI were discussed. By deep customer integration and team collaborative creativity , CCI could be widely used in the new product innovation process with high innovation level and market leading capacity. Key words: product innovation ; customer ; collaborative innovation 0引言 本世纪初,美国麻省理工Sloan管理学院的 Hippel教授及其团队对美国企业创新进行了大量 调查研究,提出了领先用户dead user)和客户创新 (customer innovation)的概念11 °他们在研究报告 中指出,超过50 %的创新发生在制造商与客户之间 的结合部分,客户创新可有效地为企业的价值网络 收稿日期:2007207204 :修订日期:2007210219。Received ()4 J uly 2007 ;accepted 19 Oct. 2007. 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ;


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