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PAGE 1 儿科门诊抗生素的使用情况及现状分析 摘要: 目的:通过调查分析抗生素在儿科门诊的使用情况, 探讨抗生素在临床应用的合理性, 为临床合理用药提供依据。 方法 :随机抽查胡忠医院儿科门诊2010年11月- 2011年2月儿科处方3000张(不包括第一类精神药品处方), 对含有抗生素的处方数、抗生素的种类、用药方法及联合用药情况,不合理用药情况等进行统计分析。 结果:抗生素使用率67.67%;抗生素使用频数以头孢菌素类、青霉素类和氨基糖苷类为主, 各占56.46%、18.23%和18.23%。注射用药占抗生素处方的46.26%,使用频率最高的是庆大霉素,头孢曲松钠次之;口服用药处方622张, 占抗生素处方的30.64%,使用频率最高的是克洛己新和阿莫西林;口服与注射联合用药占23.10%;单用、二联及三联用药使用率分别为68.96%、23.79%、7.24%。结论:我院儿科处方用药情况基本合理,抗生素使用率偏高,存在一些不合理使用现象,应引起重视,促进合理用药。 关键词: 儿科门诊;抗生素;调查分析 Pediatirc outpatient antibiotic usage and Analysis Abstract: Objective: Investigate about the reasonability of using antibiotics clinically according to a research in pediatric clinic of HuZhong Hospital, HuaDu District,and provide the foundation for the safety and reasonability in clinical medication.Method: Select 3000 prescriptions from Nov. 2010 to Feb. 2011 in Pediatrics of HuZhong Hospital by random(not including the first prescription of psychotropic drugs), and give a statistical analysis about the number of prescriptions containing antibiotic, the types of antibiotic, the administration of medicine, the combined use of drugs and irrational drug use. Result: The utilization rate of antibiotics is 67.67%; the frequency of antibiotic use mainly bases on cephalosporins, penicillins and aminoglycosides, each accounts for 56.46%, 18.23% and 18.23%. Medication in injection accounts for 46.26% of antibiotics prescriptions and the medicine most frequently used is gentamicin, followed by ceftriaxone; there are 622 medicine prescriptions, accounting for 30.64% of antibiotics prescriptions, and the most frequently used are the Cefaclor and Bromhexine Hydrochloride and Amoxicillin ; the combined use of oral medicine and medication in injection accounts for 23.10%; the single, double, and triple of drug utilization rates are 68.96%,23.79% and 7.24%. Conclusion: Though the drug utilization in the hospital is almost reasonable,there's also something unreasonable that the rate of using antibiotics is above avera


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