新时代主题大学英语综合教程1(学生用书)综合教程第一册课件Unit 6Chinese Dream.pptx

新时代主题大学英语综合教程1(学生用书)综合教程第一册课件Unit 6Chinese Dream.pptx

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Introduction;;Before Reading;1; On March of 2013,President Xi elaborated on the Chinese Dream in his speech at the closing ceremony of the First Session of the 12th National People‘s Congress. (十二届全国人大一次会议) a. The dream of great rejuvenation in China. b. The dream of the people. c. The dream for peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit for all. ;1.实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation)就是中华民族近代以来最伟大梦想。 2. 中国梦就是是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福和社会和谐。 3. 中国梦是民族的梦,是人民的梦,是每个中国人的梦。 ;American Dream is the _______ that everyone in the United States has the chance to achieve _______ and ___________. For ordinary people, it means a _______ family, an _____ job, and a nice house. For minorities and _________, it also includes ______ and __________. ;Before Reading;Before Reading;Before Reading;Life is filled with dreams, dreams that give our life meaning and inspire us to pursue a better future. A life without dreams is like a garden without flowers.? Today, more people in China than ever before are trying every means to live their dreams, as Chinese President Xi Jinping has launched a refreshing slogan — the Chinese Dream. The realization of a dream for more than 1.3 billion people will go down in history as one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind. Inspired by the Chinese Dream, more and more Chinese nationals have begun to chase their own dreams.? I have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Chinese Dream, a dream of an equal, peaceful and more prosperous world, and a dream of the renewal of a great civilization.?;I have a dream that one day this world will evolve into a more civilized oasis where all men and all women — no matter if they are Asians, Caucasians, or black people — are created equal.? I have a dream today that my old grandmother will live to see the day when senior citizens in emerging countries have access to the same amount of medical resources and receive the same level of adequate and advanced medical care as those in the Western developed world.? I



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