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小站搬运 雅思口语基本话题答题实例讲解 4 magical steps to make a great long answer: 1. Answer the question directly 2. Explain why 3. Give an example 4. Explain the alternative / opposite By IELTS ex-examiner Simon 1.人物类话题 在雅思口语考试的part 2 部分,人物类卡片题是必考的话题之一。首先,看看5-8 月题库到 底有哪些人物类话题: 尊敬的老人 Describe an old person you respect. 道歉之人 Describe a person who has apologized to you. 亲密朋友 Describe one of your best friends. 敬仰的领导 Describe a leader you admire 共度时光的人 Describe a person that you like to spend time with 有创意的人 Describe a creative person that you admire 一起住的人 Describe a person who once moved to live with you 近水之地 Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting. 其实只要掌握了对付人物类话题的答题思路,遇到这类问题的时候应付起来其实不难!下面 来看一道卡片题的范例。 Describe a family member you would like to work with. You should say, Who the person is; What kind of person he or she is; Whether you ’ve worked together before; And explain why you would like to work with this person. 对于酱紫描述人的话题,烤鸭们可以往这个人物的品质和能力靠拢。一个人为人处世中的 personalities 或是abilities 往往决定了这个人身上会发生的故事。因此,烤鸭在回答这类话题 的时候,可以着重突出一下人物性格或者能力,然后谈论在这个人物身上发生的事情。 在描述或评价一个人物的时候,可以采取三个步骤,A. 直接说明此人的性格特点或能力,B. 补充解释,C. 举例说明。大家且看答题范例: ① I would very much like to work with my cousin, who is the son of my aunt on my father ’s side. He’s two years older than me, and we basically grew up together. In most people ’s eyes, he is a good student who can sail through all kinds of examinations. But for me, he is not merely a diligent student, but an intelligent and versatile young man. ② Even though we haven’t worked together on any business projects, I know for sure heis someone I can work with. 在这个范例的回答中,仅仅用了一段,便回答了题目中的“who this person is ”、“what kind of


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