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An infant with Down syndrome, illustrating typical features of this disorder: upslanting palpebral fissures, redundant skin of the inner eyelid (epicanthic fold), protruding tongue, and low nasal bridge * A 7-year-old girl with Down syndrome, illustrating upslanting palpebral fissures, redundant skin of the inner eyelid (epicanthic fold), and low nasal bridge. * This baby demonstrates the typical features of Down syndrome with downslanting palpebral fissures and a slightly protruding tongue * A simian crease is seen on the hand of this child with Down syndrome. A single crease extends transversely across the palm * * 1.SOD-1活性升高50%,该酶基因定位21q22,即具有基因剂量效应。 2.患者对阿托品特别敏感,患者乙酰胆碱缺陷或许可以解释智力低下、应变力差、便秘等症状 3.免疫功能失调-淋巴细胞和丙球蛋白减少(患儿易感染的原因)。 21-三体综合征--实验室检查 * 唐氏综合征的典型核型-3条21号染色体 * 游离型:95%,47,XX(XY), +21 (三体型) 嵌合型:1-2%,46,XX(XY)/ 47, XX(XY),+21 易位型:3-4%。其中Dq21q占54.2%, 21qGq占40.9%,其它约5%。 唐氏综合征的核型 * .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. .卫生. .管理. 染色体畸变综合征 1. 概念:指由于染色体异常而引起的疾病。由于它通常伴有多器官系统的异常,故称为综合征。常伴发育畸形、智力低下,致流产与不育等。 2. 通常,如果没有染色体物质明显增多或减少, 如一些染色体重排(平衡易位、倒位)就不一定引起表型异常。 (平衡易位、倒位一定不引起表型异常吗?No) * A new gene involved in X-linked mental retardation identified by analysis of an X;2 balanced translocation. Nat Genet. 2000 Feb;24(2):167-70. Disruption of a novel MFS transporter gene, DIRC2, by a familial renal cell carcinoma-associated t(2;3)(q35;q21). Hum Mol Genet 2002 Mar 15;11(6):641-9. The translocation t(8;16)(p11;p13) of acute myeloid leukaemia fuses a putative acetyltransferase to the CREB-binding protein. Nat Genet. 1996 Sep;14(1):33-41. Positional cloning of the hereditary renal carcinoma 3;8 chromosome translocation breakpoint. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Sep 15;90(18):8509-13. 根据平衡易位进行定位克隆举例 * 3. 染色体的多态性或异态性(polymorphism , heteromorphism): 通常不伴有异常表型,故不称为染色体畸变综合征。 4. 染色体畸变综合征见于:0.5%-0.7%的活产婴儿; 7.5%的 胎儿; 50%的自发流产儿。 染色


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