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Beneath billowing clouds, 在翻騰的雲霧之下 3 in Chinas far southwestern Yunnan province, 處在中國西南邊境的雲南省 4 lies a place of mystery and legend. 是個充滿神秘與 傳奇的地方 5 Of mighty rivers and some ofthe oldest jungles in the world. 這裏有浩瀚的河川 及世上年代最悠久的森林 6 Here, hidden valleys nurture strangeand unique creatures, 隱密 的溪谷培育出不可思議及罕見珍奇的生物 7 and colorful tribal cultures. 和多采多姿的民族 文化 8 Jungles are rarely found thisfar north of the tropics. 離熱帶地區這麼遠的北邊森林是 很罕見的景觀 9 So, why do they thrive here?那麼此區為何會有茂盛的森林? 10 And how has this rugged landscape come to harbor the greatest natural wealth in all China? 這麼惡劣 的地理環境是如何庇護全中國最重要的自然資源? 14 In the remote southwest corner of China,在中國西南方的偏僻角落一個慶典即將舉行 15 a celebration is about to take place.16 Dai people collect water forthe most important festival of their year. 傣人為他們一年 中最重要的節慶取水 17 The Dai call themselves the people of the water. 傣族人自稱為水鄉 之人 18 Yunnans river valleys have been their homefor over 2,000 years. 兩千多年來他們一 直以雲南的河谷為家 19 By bringing the river water to the temple, 他們將河水帶到佛寺 20 they honor the two things holiest to them - 以河水浴佛來體現他們認為最神聖的兩件事 21 Buddhism and their home. 佛教與家庭 23 The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertilelands which have nurtured their culture. 傣族以此敬謝河川與良地豐富了他們的文化與生活 25 Though to some it might seem just an excusefor the biggest water fight of all time. 也許對某些人 來說這個潑水儀式只是藉口讓他們打場最過癮的水戰 27 Dai lives are changingas towns get bigger and modernize 由於城鎮的擴大及都市化傣族的生活形態正逐漸改變 28 but the Water Splashing Festivals still celebrated by all. 但大家仍會慶祝潑水節 29 The rivers which lie at the heart ofDai life and culture 河川深深影響傣族的生活和文化 30 flow


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