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摘要 行政诉讼举证责任分配是行政诉讼证据制度的主要内容,直接关系到行政诉讼的法 律后果。我国行政诉讼举证责任分配规则是“举证责任倒置”,这是出于侧重保护行政 相对人的合法权益的目的。但“举证责任倒置”不意味着原告不需要负举证责任,原告 也应该就被诉具体行政行为的事实以及违法性承担一定的举证责任。被告的举证责任在 我国法律中规定得较为抽象,第三人的举证责任不被重视,容易被忽略。关于行政诉讼 举证责任的分配学说,有举证责任倒置说、谁主张谁举证说、法律要件分类说以及具体 情况分析说。针对我国存在的问题,借鉴域外的相关实践和经验,应当建立多元化的分 配规则,明确被告的举证责任及规范第三人举证责任分配制度。 关键词:行政诉讼 举证责任 分配原则 Abstract The distribution of the burden of proof in administrative litigation is the core of the system of administrative litigation evidence, related to the legal consequences of administrative proceedings Directly. The Distribution rules of the burden of proof in China's administrative litigation is "inversion of the burden of proof9 to protect the lawful rights and interests of the administrative counterpart. But "inversion of the burden of proof* does not mean that the plaintiff need not bear the burden of proof, The plaintiff should also be involved in the specific administrative act and the fact that the illegal burden of proof. The defendant's burden of proof in our country's laws are more abstract, Third Party's burden of proof is not attached, easy to be ignored. On the distribution of burden of proof in administrative litigation, Inversion of burden of proof, Who claims who evidence , the classification of legal elements and analysis of the specific circumstances. Learning experience of foreign administrative litigation of allocation of burden of proof, directed against the problem of distribution of burden of proof in administrative litigation in China, shall establish a diversity of burden of proof,clear the defendant's burden of proof, regulate the Third Party's burden of proof. Key words: administrative litigation; burden of proof; principle of distribution; 引言 行政诉讼是行政相对人受到来自行政机关的侵犯,向法院提出申请,法院行使审判 权,审查具体行政行为是否合法的诉讼制度。这不仅可以有效保护行政相对人的合法权 益,使其在遭受具体行政行为的侵害时,可以寻求国家的司法救济,同时也可以促使司 法机关监督和制约行政机关,使其做到依法执法,文明执法,真正体现执政为民。举证 作为证据制度的核心内容,举证责任的分配,直接关系到负举证责任一方当事人在行政 诉讼中的成败。特别是在案件事实难以辨明的情况下,哪一方当事人能够提供有利证据, 法院的判决天平就向哪一方倾斜。本文研究行政诉讼举证责任的分配,分析我国行政诉 讼举证责任制度存


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