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在机械运行过程中,各种运动参数例如速度、加速度、角速度、角加速度等都是时刻变化的,为了了解机械运行状态和及时避免机械出现故障,就需要对机械结构的运动学动力学进行分析,掌握其运动轨迹、方向、加速度及其受力与运动的关系等,从而得到机械结构在任意时刻的运动情况,便于分析解决相关设计、分析、优化等问题。利用 MATLAB 对机械结构进行运动学动力学模拟仿真,可以分析整个运动过程中的各运动变量、约束力等,同时运用 MATLAB 的计算能力和图形处理能力,可以直观的表示出各参数变量的变化。
MATLAB 软件的 GUIDE 功能上操作,运用 ode 函数对运动变量方程组进行数值求解,使用 MATLAB 作图功能将数值求解的结果可视化处理。最后借助实际问题对理论分析内容进行验证,用 MATLAB 软件将实际问题的相关运动问题展现出来, 准确的得出机构运行过程中各运动参数和运动图像并通过对仿真结果的分析得到对机械结构运动学动力学模拟分析的意义。
关键词:机构运动学、机构动力学、MATLAB 仿真模拟
In the process of mechanical movement, various kinematic parameters such as speed, acceleration, angular velocity and angular acceleration are all changing. In order to understand the mechanical running state and to avoid the mechanical failure in time, we need to analyze the kinematics and dynamics of mechanical structures. To grasp the movement trajectory, direction, acceleration and its relationship between force and movement, etc., to get the motion of mechanical structure at any time, in order to analyze and solve the relevant design, analysis, optimization and other issues easily. The kinematic dynamics simulation of the mechanical structure can be carried out by using MATLAB to analyze the motion variables and the binding force in the whole process. At the same time, the computational power and graphics processing ability of MATLAB can be used to express the change of each parameter variable intuitively.
According to the knowledge of theoretical mechanics, the kinematics dynamics of the mechanism is solved. After the mathematical model is established, the function of the ode function of MATLAB software is used to solve the motion variable equations. The MATLAB function is used to solve the numerical solution and the results are visualized. Finally, with the help of practical problems to verify the content of the theoretical analysis, show the practical problems related to the movement of the problem with MATLAB. And we can o
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