新编外经贸英语函电和谈判unit one教案.ppt

新编外经贸英语函电和谈判unit one教案.ppt

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昵图/datuk // 一切资料来源于百度与《新编外经贸英语函电与谈判》《应用英文大全》 制作小组 张泽文:搜集公司、产品资料、编辑视频 孙中广:搜集信样、制作PPT 熊丽焉:搜集、归纳引导文、拍照 龚燕仪:搜集、归纳套用语句、视频拍摄 Basic K∩ owledge P4 Sentence Patterns How to Introduce Company.. P15 Information for BMWX3 I he sample Letter P25 BASIC KNOWLEDGE 1. What is the importance of establishing trade relations? To establish business relations with prospective dealers is the base of starting and developing of business. It is vitally important for both a new dealer and an old one 2. But by what means can a businessman secure all the necessary information about a new market and a new customer? Well, he may do so through the following channels or with the help of 1)the advertisements in newspapers 2)the introduction from his business connections 3)the introduction from his subsidiaries or branches agents abroad (4)the market investigations 5)attendance at the export commodities fairs 6 visit abroad by trade delegations and groups (7) self-introductions or enquiries received from the merchants abroad 8) the banks 9)the Commercial Counsellor,s Office 10)the chambers of commerce both at home and abroad 3. In such cases, what should the writer informs his addressee? the writer usually informs his addressee of the following (1) the source of his information (2) his intention (3)the business scope of his firm (4)the reference as to his firms financial position and integrity 4. If the writer intends to buy for import, what may he do? He may also make requests for catalogues, samples, price list, etc 5. How To close the letter? The writer usually expresses his expectation of cooperation and an early eply 6. How should this kind of letters be written Cordially, sincerely and courteously Sentence patterns 句型1:信息来源 (1)We learn your company from .. that we learn your company from the internet that you are one of the leading anufacturers in this line 我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之 (2)we owe your name and address to we owe your name and address to the journal of commerce 我们从《商业日报》.得知贵公司的


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