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论浙江中小企业的国际化品牌建设 内容 摘 要 国际市场竞争已经跨越了产品竞争阶段,进入了品牌竞争时 代。一个国家是否拥有国际驰名品牌,拥有多少国际驰名品牌,已 成为该国经济实力和国际竞争力的象征。我国企业要在国际竞争中 立于不败之地,必须适应品牌竞争时代的要求,开展品牌营销,创 出中国自己的世界名牌。 浙江作为中国的一个对外贸易大省,拥有大量的中小型民营企业, 进出口业务非常发达,但同时也存在着很多的问题,例如贴牌生产。 那么建立属于自己的国际化品牌对浙江中小企业究竟有什么好处? 是否有必要进行国际化品牌建设?又该如何进行国际化品牌建设 呢?本文将就此些问题展开研究。 关键词:品牌、国际化品牌、国际化品牌建设、浙江中小企业 International Brand building of SMEs in Zhejiang 1 ABSTRACT Competition in the international market has crossed the stage of competitive products into the brand competition era. Whether a country has an internationally famous brand,or how many international famous brands its has, have become a symbol of economic strength and international competitiveness. In the international competitions, Chinas enterprises have to be invincible, it must adapt to the era of brand competition, launched Brand Marketing, create its own brand in the world. As one of Chinas biggest foreign trade Province, Zhejiang has larger numbers of SMEs, and its import and export business is well developed .However,there were many problems appeared during its development, such as OEM. Then what is the benefit if the SMEs of Zhejiang establish their own international brands? Is it necessary for international brand building? How to build international brand? This paper will make a study on these questions. KEYWORDS :Brand ,International Brand ,International Brand Building ,SMEs in Zhejiang 目 录 第一章 引言 ………………………………………………………1 2 第一节 选题意义 ……………………………………………… 1 第二节 中外学者研究现状 …………………………………… 2 第三节 我国品牌国际化建设的现状 ………………………… 3 第二章 浙江中小型企业和国际化品牌建设…………………… 7 第一节 什么是“国际化品牌” …………………………… 7 第二节


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