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Lessons 1~3 一、看图片,写单词。30' 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 二、用括号中所给单词的恰当形式补全句子。10' 1. (Who) pencil is this? 2. (She) name is Kim. 3.Is it (Steven) pencil? 4.Hello!I ’m (you) new teacher. 5.There (be) my friends. 三、选词填空,20' ( ) 1.My name Danny. A.is B.am C.are ( ) 2. is a new pupil. A.I B.He C.You ( ) 3.Welcome back school. A.in B.for C.to ( ) 4.—— Is this your pencil,Jenny? —— A.No,it is. B.Yes,it is. C.Yes,it isn’t  Name: Score: 四、从右栏中给左栏各句选择相对的应答语。20' ( )1.Nice to meet you . A.No,it ’s not her pencil. ( )2.How are you ? B.It ’s on the desk. ( )3.Is it Kim ’s pencil? C.Nice to meet you. ( )4.Where is my pencil? D.Fine,thanks. 五、看图,用恰当的单词补全句子。20' 1.The table(桌子 ) is the chairs. 2.The food(食物 ) is the pan(平底锅 ). 3.The paper(纸) is the desk. 4.The pencil is the ruler. Lessons 4~6 一、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同, 相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。 book meat zoo ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. school bread moon 二、看图连线。 30′ Sixty eighty ninety fifty seventy forty 三、单项选择。 20′ ( )1.—— How many books do you have? —— A.I have thirteen. B.There are eight books. C.I see twelve. ( )2.Can you say the numbers thirty forty. A.from ;to B.to;from C.from;for ( )3.—— is Jenny. —— She is on the play ground. A.What B.Who C.Where ( )4.Is this your apple? —— A.No.It ’s not my apple. B.Yes,I am. C.No,it is. Name: Score: 四、看图选词填空。 20′ On behind in front of between beside 1.She is the tree. 后面 2.Danny is the box. 旁边 3.Jenny is the playground. 操场上 4.The chair is _____ the schoolbag. 前面 5.Danny is _________ the schoolbags. 中间 五、翻译下列句子。 20′ 1.Li Ming is in front of the tree. _____________________________ 2.Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty. _____________________________ 3.They are playing a game. _____________________________ 4.Where is my pencil? _____________________________ Lessons 7~9 一、写单词。 20′ 一月 六月 五月 九月 十月 十一月 二、按要求写单词。 24′ 1、基数词和序数词互换。例: one—— first two—— three—— four—— —— ninth —— eight —— fifth 2、月份的全拼和简写。例: February—— Feb. March—— December—— April —— —— Jul. —— Sept. —— Jan. 三、连词成句。 25′ 1. is month the January first (.) 2. are


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