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PAGE PAGE #/ 3 外研版(三起)五年级英语下册教学案 Module 6 Travel Unit 1 I went there last year 一、学习目标: 1.知识目标: ( 1)词汇: photo, stay, week ( 2)词组及短语: last year (去年) of course (当然) Li people (黎族 人 )( 3)句型: They are photos of China . Did you go with your mother and father? Yes, I did. 2.能力目标:能用过去式描写过去发生的事情;能口头运用句型: Did you go with your mother?询问自己的判定是否正确,并能口头运用: Y es, I did. /No, I didn 回答。 3.情感目标:能用过去式描写自己去过中国的哪些名胜古迹,使大家更加 热爱我们伟大的祖国。 二、预习学案 我能行:如: go went Look see are do live meet 三、导学案 热身复习: 1.Sing a song and do the actions: “ Where did you go ”? 2.快速反应: Look see are do live meet -自主学习: 1.听第六模块第一单元的课文录音内容 2 遍,找出课文中的生词,并做记 录,然后试着读一读: photostay week 2.再听录音两遍,然后把下列句子补充完整: Lingling has got some . We with my grandmother for a in July . 3.自读课文,将不明白的句子用线划出,并试着找出下列问题的答案 W ho has got some photos ? Where is Xinjiang? Did Lingling go with her mother and father? When did Lingling go to Xining? Where is Hainan? Who lives Hainan with the three children? 合作交流: 1 .小组内讨论自学过程中遇到的问题,互相交流学习,并将正确的答案写 在课堂笔记本上。 2.讨论课文中三幅图片的内容,并试着用课文中的句子描述出来。 3.句 子大比拼。(仿照例句造句,说出自己什么时间去过哪里) 如: I went to Xinjiang last year. 4.分角色表演课文对话 . 四、课堂检测: 1 .根据课文回答问题: Who has got some photos ? Where is Xinjiang ? Did Lingling go with her mother and father? When did Lingling go to Xining? Where is Hainan? Who lives Hainan with the three children? 2.根据课文选择正确的答案 (1)When did Lingling go to Xinjiang? A. Last year B. In July (2)Where is Xinjiang? A It s in the east of China.lt s in the west of China 五、课后作业: 1.每人听课文录音 10 遍。 2.熟读课文。 3.能用课文相关的知识谈论自己什么时间去过什么地方。 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有


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