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8-D Problem Solving 8-D问题解决方式 Sauer-Danfoss Shanghai November, 2005;? SAUER -学 DANFOSS;OUR JOURNEY我们的旅程;OURJOURN;EO's/SD's Desired Outcomes EO'S/SD'S所期望的成果 u It is now a Sauer-Danfoss Quality Policy that the 8D format be the standard tool to communicate and solve significant problems in the company.” 一 EO February 2004;—十----------------- EO's/SD's Desired Outcomes EO'S/SD'S所期望的成果 ?Create a common vocabulary 今创建一个共同的词汇 今Improve Sauer-Danfoss5 cycle time and quality in solving problems 今改进萨澳一丹佛斯在解决问题方面??周期及质量;EO's/SD's Desired Outcomes ' EO'S/SD'S所期望的成果;Problem Solving 问题的解决;Problem Solving 问题的解决 The rules of golf say that you will lose a stroke if you remove the ball from the bag. Striking the ball while it remains in the bag, may cause you to mis-hit the ball. 1 What are your ideas for solving this problem? ( 根据高尔夫球赛的规则,如果你把球从纸 袋里拿出来,那你将会失去一次打球的 机会.如果不大形动汶个纸舞你有可~丁;Problem Solving & Introductions 今What 2域橱解决和介绍 今你的姓名? 今 What company do you work for? 今你所工作的公 ? 今 What are you desired outcomes for this training? 今 你期望在这个培训中学到什么? 今 What are your ideas for solving the golf ball dilemma? 今你对于解决高尔夫球这种进退两难局面的想法?;8-D Problem Solving 8-D问题解决方式;8-D Problem Solving 8-D问题解决方式;? CQAR 椅Standard problem tool to record and solve customer perceived defects 椅CQAR是解决客户质量问题的标准工具;-Tool to go to for more difficult problems. The CQAR solution can not be determined within 4 hours. ?用于解决更困难的问题。CQAR解决方法不能在4小 时内确定。 ? Six Sigma 椅Complex problem solving tool. When 8D has multiple potential root causes and requires more complex tools. 椅复杂问题的解决方式。当8D发现多种潜在 --的原因需要更复杂的工具。--------;Root Causes;8-D问题解决方式;Step 0 第0步;How We Become Aware of Problems我们如何意识到问题;Step 1 一 Assemble a Team if Necessary 第一步;Assemble a Team: Steps 成立一个小组:步骤;Step 2 Describe the Problem and the Expectation ________第二步________ 描述问题和期望;Describe the Problem: Steps 描述问题:具体步骤;Keys to Problem Statement 问题陈述的关键;—;5 W's & 2 H's;5 W's & 2 H's;Problem Investigation Worksheet What's wrong with what? Ask


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