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Section B I.Reading Skills: Understanding Figurative Language II. Passage 2: Stop Spoiling Your Children ways of using figurative language ? 1. Similes( 明喻 ) , figurative expressions which directly compare one thing to another by using as or like . ? The tobacco industry, coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys …(Para. 3) ? 2.Metaphors( 暗喻 ) , figurative expressions in which comparisons are only implied or suggested, without using as , like , and the like. ? The tobacco industry…completely won over people like my father, who were hopelessly hooked by cigarettes. (Para. 3) ? 3.Personification ( 拟人 ), figurative expressions which compare non-human things to humans . ? My father died from “the poor mans friend”, pneumonia, one hard winter when his lung illnesses had left him low . (Para. 5) Stop Spoiling Your Children ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Words and Phrases Study spoil (spoilt, spoilt/ spoiled, spoiled) vt. 1) That little girl is terribly 溺爱;宠坏 spoilt everything she asks for. — her parents give her 2) The bad news has 损坏,破坏 这坏消息把我的这一天给毁了。 spoilt my day. Some kinds of food soon vi. ( 食物 ) 变质 有些食物易变质。 spoil . Stop Spoiling Your Children ? ? ? ? ? ? ? assign vt. 1) He was 给予,分配 personal use. assigned a car for 为他配了一辆汽车,供他个人 使用。 2) Theyve 分配,分派,指派(任务) man to the job. assigned their best 他们选派了最合适的人做那项 工作。 Stop Spoiling Your Children ? ? barely adv. We barely had time to 勉强地;几乎不 ? catch the train. 我们几乎来不及赶火车。 ? make a point: ? 法 All right youve made your 表明一种看 point-now please keep quiet and let the others say what ? they think. 好吧,你们民经表明了看法。现 在请安静, 的意见。 让其他人谈谈他们 Stop Spoiling Your Children ? ? ? ? ? take sth. for granted: 视 … 为理所当然 Dont granted take . his help for 不要认为他帮助你是理所当然 的。 He just granted his father. takes it for that the son obeys 他认



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