初中英语_Review of Unit6教学课件设计.ppt

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* * * * * Enjoy a video: Answer: What’s this? What is the phone used for? Do you think it is a great invention? When was the phone invented? Look at the content Review Of Unit6 Topic: Words and expressions Target language Structures: Functions: Read contents and complete the mind map. Talk about _______________________ ____________ Mind map the history of inventions Inventions 1876 1971 When was ··· invented? It was invented in ··· What is used for···? It is used for ··· Who was it invented by? It was invented by ··· Free talk: Alexander Bell John von Neumann Work in pairs: 1885 1927 1810 1903 1893 1879 Carl Benz Wright Brothers J. l. Baird Whitomb Judson Thomas Edison Stephen Johnson Review Of Unit6 Topic: Words and expressions Target language Structures: Functions: Read contents and complete the mind map. Talk about _______________________ ____________ Mind map the history of inventions Inventions _______________________ Passive voice(past tense) Write the correct forms. nation(n. 国家) -----__________________(adj.) profession(n.职业)----________________(adj.) salt(n.盐)----______________(adj.) hero(n.英雄)----________________(pl.) popular(adj.受欢迎的)----________________(n.) invent(v.发明)----________________(n.发明)-----_____________(n.发明家) create(v.创造)----____________(adj. 有创造力的)----____________(n.创造力) please(v.使高兴)----____________(n.高兴) national professional salty heroes popularity invention inventor creativity creative pleasure Translate these phrases into English: 偶然;意外地 __________________ 发生;出现_____________________ 毫无疑问_______________________ 把···翻译成···____________________ 突然;猛地_____________________ 错误地;无意中_________________ 把···分开________________________ 阻止···做···_______________________ 不但···而且···_____________________ 钦佩;仰慕______________________ by accident take place without doubt translate···into··· all of a sudden by mistake divide ···into stop ··· from doing not only ···but also ··· look up to Review Of Unit6 Topic: Words and expressions Targ


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