初中英语_Review of Unit6教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Review of Unit6教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Review of Unit6 When was it invented? 教学设计 Step1 Topic communication.(话题交流) A:When was the telephone invented? B: It was invented in 1876. Make other conversations like this. 【设计意图】引导学生谈论今天的话题,练习对话的语言,熟练运用目标语言。 Step2 Vocabulary Review.(词汇回顾) 一、Write the correct forms. nation(n. 国家) -----__________________(adj.) profession(n.职业)----________________(adj.) salt(n.盐)----______________(adj.) hero(n.英雄)----________________(pl.) popular(adj.受欢迎的)----________________(n.) invent(v.发明)----___________(n.发明) -----_____(n.发明家) create(v.创造)----____________(adj. 有创造力的)----____________(n.创造力) please(v.使高兴)----____________(n.高兴) 二、Have a dictation. 偶然;意外地 __________________ 发生;出现_____________________ 毫无疑问_______________________ 把···翻译成···____________________ 突然;猛地_____________________ 错误地;无意中_________________ 把···分开________________________ 阻止···做···_______________________ 不但···而且···_____________________ 10. 钦佩;仰慕______________________ 三、复习动词过去分词. 四、Do exercise. Tea ________ first _________ (drink) nearly 5,000 years ago. The desk ________ __________(make) by my grandfather yesterday. These books _________ __________(write) by Lu Xun. Vegetables, eggs and fruit _________ _________ (sell) in this shop last year. ----When ________ the bridge _________(build)? ----Last year. 五、中考链接 When the baby dog __________, it was very hungry. So we gave it some food.(2016安徽) A. is found B. was found C. has been found D. will be found Football _________ to our school subjects last year.(2016 陕西) A. is added B. adds C. was added D. added 3.The waiter told me that free parking __________ for the hotel guests.(2017 广东) A. provides B. provided C. will be provided D. was provided 4. The mobile phone __________in 1973.(2017 北京) A. Invents B. is invented C. invented D. was invented 【设计意图】这部分设计主要在于复习这个单元的单词和


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