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课时自测·当堂达标 Ⅰ.单词拼写/单句语法填空 1.Darwin’ s main work,The Origin of Species was (出版) in November,1859. 答案: published 2.The police were trying their best to look for some (证据) about this murder. 答案: evidence 3.Bruce,this work (需要) your immediate action. 答案: demands 4.Do you think if the law will be (改革)? 答案: reformed 5.As high school students,we should care about current . 答案: affairs 6.These two expressions come down much the same. 答案: to 7.The novels of Scott are much demand nowadays. 答案: in 8.He was prevented from (go)to school because of his illness. 答案: going 9.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ·阅读七选五)Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives,keeping in mind your (belief),values and strengths. 答案: beliefs 10.He applied himself diligently to (learn)French. 答案: learning Ⅲ.单句写作 1.I am not going to . 我再也不能容忍那种行为了。 答案: stand for that kind of behaviour 2.We our initial order as soon as possible. 我们要求贵方尽快将我们的首次订货付运。 答案: demand of you to ship 3.They on holiday by lack of money. 他们由于缺钱而不能去度假。 答案: were prevented from going 4. only when the examination papers were handed in would the students be permitted to go out of the classroom. 据宣布只有试卷都交上了学生才可以允许离开教室。 答案: It was announced that 5.To tell you the truth, your graduation ceremony. 说实话,被邀请参加你的毕业典礼我感到非常高兴。 答案: I’m delighted to be invited to 课时作业 谢谢观看! 基础认知·自主预习 核心突破·互动探究 课时自测·当堂达标 课时作业 英语D 必修4 Unit 11 The Media Unit 11 The Media 基础认知·自主预习 核心突破·互动探究 基础认知·自主预习 核心突破·互动探究 课时自测·当堂达标 课时作业 英语D 必修4 Unit 11 The Media



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