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东北林业大学毕业论文 PAGE 2 PAGE 4 3 - TY160型推土机工作装置的设计 摘 要 推土机在土石方工程中得到了广泛的应用,推土机工作装置将负载和压力转移到机体,是承受工作压力的主要部分,受力情况比较恶劣。在众多不同情况下的工作负荷的作用之下,分析和计算推土机在不同条件,不同部位危险点的应力分布,是设计推土机工作装置的必要条件。 在本文中,主要进行了 TY 160型推土机的总体结构设计和推土机工作装置的结构设计。该装置由一个推土铲,顶推梁,撑杆,液压缸系统的组成。推土板结构直接决定了工作装置的设计应力条件,推土板采用分体结构,倾斜角度调整是由液压系统控制得以实现。本设计选择了一个危险工况的计算位置进行了强度计算,并借助计算机选择危险截面进行了有限元分析,对结果进行比对分析。经过校核,结构设计合理,能够满足使用要求。 关键词:推土机;工作装置;强度校核 ABSTRACT Bulldozer in earthwork project obtains the widespread application in the bulldozer working device, the load and the pressure is transferred to the body, is a major part of the work under pressure, stress situation worse. In many cases the work load, calculation and analysis under different conditions in different parts of bulldozers, the stress of the dangerous point distribution, is a necessary condition for bulldozer working device design. In this paper, the main TY 160 type bulldozer design the overall structure and the bulldozer working device structure design. The device consists of a dozer, push rod, beam, hydraulic cylinder system. Bulldozing plate structure determines the working device design stress conditions, bulldozing plate structure is adopted , the tilt angle adjustment is controlled by a hydraulic system can be realized. This design was chosen for a dangerous condition to calculate the position of strength calculation by computer, and choose the dangerous section of finite element analysis is carried out, the results were compared and analyzed. After verification, the structure design is reasonable, can satisfy the use requirement. Key words: bulldozer working device; strength check; 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 目 录 1 第一章 绪 论 2 1.1 概述 2 1.2 课题任务 5 1.3 课题设计意义 5 第二章 推土机各总成结构的选择 6 2.1 动力装置 6 2.2 传动机构 6 2.3 行走机构 7 2.4 工作装置 7 2.5 液压系统 7 第三章 推土机总体参数的选择 8 3.1 推土机的行走机构 8 3.2 推土机推土机整体参数及生产率 8 3.3 铲刀结构及运动参数 8 第四章 推土机作业阻力计算 12 4.1 推土机作业阻力


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