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最美逆行者英语作文 他们和你我一样也是父母儿女,但他们穿上防护服就在跟死神手里抢人,他们叫白衣天使,也是我们生活中的最美逆行者,他们总是冲在前面,用自己的生命来保护祖国人民! They are parents and children as well as you and I, but they are robbing people with their protective clothing. They are called angels in white. They are also the most beautiful rebels in our life. They always rush ahead and protect the people of our motherland with their own lives! 84岁的钟南山爷爷,不惧年龄的界限,奔赴在疫情的第一线。他在新闻中严厉的对电视机前的老百姓说。: “千万不要去武汉,武汉那边十分危险!”可他刚一转身,却奋不顾身地去了他口中危险的武汉。他到了那儿,他顾不上吃饭,顾不上睡觉,争分夺秒, 日夜奋战,寻找治疗方案。没有飞机,就坐动车,没有车票,就买站票。在动车上的餐车办公、小憩,那个疲惫的身影,让多少年轻的心灵为之动容! The 84 year old grandfather Zhong Nanshan, fearing the age limit, rushed to the front line of the epidemic. He told the people in front of the TV severely in the news. Dont go to Wuhan, its very dangerous! but he just turned around and went to Wuhan, which he said was dangerous. When he got there, he didnt care about eating, sleeping, fighting against the clock, day and night, looking for a cure. If there is no plane, take the bullet train. If there is no ticket, buy a station ticket. In the car dining car office, rest, that tired figure, let how many young hearts for it! 张定语叔叔是武汉金银潭医院院长,身患渐冻症的.他,走起路来一瘸一拐,肌肉萎缩,双腿生疼。医生说他只有十年的寿命,但他依旧奋战在一线,与死神较量。但他的妻子也是医院的工作人员,在接诊病人的过程中被感染新型冠状肺炎,他心中牵挂着,他依旧坚守在自己的岗位上奋战。幸运的是他的妻子被治愈了,也许,这就是好人有好报吧。! Uncle Zhang Dingyu is the president of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital. He is suffering from progressive frostbite. He limped, his muscles atrophied and his legs hurt. Doctors say he has only ten years to live, but he is still fighting with death. But his wife is also a staff member of the hospital. He was infected with the new type of coronary pneumonia in the process of receiving patients. He was worried about it in his heart. He still stuck to his post and fought hard. Fortunately, his wife has been cured. Maybe, thats good news for good people. 在我们身边也有一些最美逆行者他们是交通警察、社区志愿者、军人们、社区工作者和去给武汉送菜的卡车司机……他们也是我们生活中最美的逆行者,作为学生的我们在家不去添乱,但停课不停学我们要扎实


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