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PAGE 15 摘 要 随着现代社会的高速发展,人们选择工作的机会日益增多,员工流失率高的问题也日渐凸显,尤其是销售类型的岗位,如何将员工流失率控制在合理范围内成为企业亟待解决的问题。 本文通过科学的理论分析,运用文献资料法、实地调研法和数据分析等研究方法,对公司客服人员的岗位职责、年龄分布与学历分布情况以及客服流失状况进行分析,从公司内部角度与员工自身角度剖析客服人员流失的原因,针对公司内部因素中薪酬制度、选拔制度、中层管理者与工作强度方面存在的问题,员工自身因素中工作压力与职业生涯规划方面存在的问题,探讨客服人员流失给企业造成的影响,结合人力资源管理理论逐一提出了改进意见和应对策略,包括通过建立有竞争力的薪酬制度、建立健全的客服招聘制度、减轻员工的工作压力、完善员工职业生涯规划与关注中层管理者的职业素能培养等对策,解决客服人员流失的问题,提高客服人员对公司满意度和忠诚度,为拓见科技有限公司长期战略目标的实现提供人力资源的保证。 希望通过本文的分析研究,能够帮助拓见科技有限公司提高客服员工的满意度,降低客服人员的流失率,提高企业竞争力,并对同类通信行业企业发展具有现实的参考意义。 关键词:客服人员 员工流失 流失原因 解决对策 Abstract With the rapid development of modern society, people have more and more opportunities to choose jobs, and the problem of high employee turnover rate is also increasingly highlighted. Especially for sales-type positions, how to control the employee turnover rate within a reasonable range has become an urgent problem for enterprises to solve. This paper analyzes the job responsibilities, age distribution and academic distribution of the company's customer service staff and the situation of customer service loss through scientific theoretical analysis, using literature data method, field research method and data analysis and other research methods. From the perspective of the reasons for the loss of customer service personnel, aiming at the problems in the company's internal factors such as the salary system, selection system, middle managers and work intensity, and the work pressure and career planning problems in the employees' own factors, discuss the loss of customer service personnel to The impact caused by the company, combined with human resource management theory, proposed improvement suggestions and response strategies one by one, including by establishing a competitive salary system, establishing a sound customer service recruitment system, reducing employee work pressure, improving employee career planning and focusing on the middle Managers' professional competence training and other countermeasures solve the problem of the loss



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