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PAGE 18 摘 要 松下幸之助曾说:“企业最好的资产是人。”人力资源是企业最宝贵的资源,人力资本也成为企业中极其重要的资本。人才是企业之魂,企业的生存和发展与其拥有的人力资源密切相关。员工队伍是企业生长的生力军,为企业带来战斗力。但是不少企业只关注怎样引进优秀人才,没有关注到如何发挥现有人才的优势,忽略了对员工的培训。企业要想在竞争激烈的市场中占据一席之地,就必须重视员工的培训,发挥员工的优势。 本文以双洲有限公司为研究对象,对双洲有限公司基层员工培训现状进行了分析,发现该公司基层员工培训存在对基层员工培训的重视程度不够、缺乏科学准确的培训需求分析、培训方式单一、员工安全培训落实不到位、培训效果缺乏考核评估的问题,针对这些问题进行讨论并提出解决问题的对策,包括转变培训观念、加强培训需求分析、丰富培训方法、切实开展员工安全教育培训、建立科学的培训效果评估机制等对策,为双洲有限公司改善基层员工培训提供借鉴。 关键词:基层员工 培训需求分析 培训效果评估 Abstract Konosuke Matsushita once said, "the best asset of an enterprise is a person. " Human Resources are the most valuable resources of enterprises, and human capital has become an extremely important capital in enterprises. Talent is the soul of an enterprise, and its survival and development are closely related to its human resources. The workforce is the fresh blood of the business, bringing the fighting power to the business. But many enterprises only focus on how to introduce excellent talents, do not focus on how to play the advantages of existing talents, ignoring the training of employees. If enterprises want to occupy a place in the competitive market, they must attach importance to staff training and give full play to their advantages. This article takes Shuangzhou Co. , Ltd. as the research object, analyzes the current situation of the training of the basic staff of Shuangzhou Co. , Ltd. , it was found that there were some problems in the training of grassroots staff, such as insufficient attention to the training of grassroots staff, lack of scientific and accurate analysis of the training needs, single training method, inadequate implementation of the safety training of the staff, and lack of assessment and evaluation of the training effect, to discuss and propose solutions to these problems, including changing the training concept, strengthening the training needs analysis, enriching the training methods, carrying out the safety education and training of the staff, establishing the scientific training effect evaluati


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