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PAGE 14 摘 要 深圳富士康薪酬管理现状主要分为薪酬管理结构现状,薪酬管理制度现状和薪酬管理体系特点。问题表现为薪酬制度与企业战略不匹配,薪酬管理设计与管理不符合原则且随意性大,薪酬的评定缺乏公平度,重视货币薪酬却忽视非货币薪酬,缺乏科学的薪酬调整体系,薪酬缺乏竞争力致员工大量流失。产生问题的原因主要是薪酬制度没有以企业战略和人力资源战略为出发点,领导人缺乏薪酬管理理念,职位价值没有进行评估且薪酬没有基于能力与绩效评估,薪酬体系存在明显缺陷与不足,薪酬体系调整与经营战略和经济发展水平不能同步还有薪酬总量投入不足。本文提出应建立合理的薪酬管理制度,领导人应高度重视企业薪酬管理理念,建立薪酬等级标准和建立与薪酬挂钩的能力绩效考核制度,建立科学有效的薪酬体系,进行薪酬体系的调整策略和增加薪酬总量投入以增加薪酬外部竞争力的措施。本文研究的意义在于对富士康薪酬管理方面存在的问题进行研究并且给予相应的对策,为富士康实现其战略目标给予一定的帮助。 关键词:民营企业 深圳富士康 薪酬管理 Abstract The present situation of pay management in Shenzhen Foxconn is mainly divided into the present situation of salary management structure, the present situation of salary management system and the characteristics of salary management system. The problems are that the salary system does not match with the enterprise strategy, the salary management design and management do not accord with the principle and the randomness is big, the salary evaluation lacks the fairness degree, pays attention to the monetary salary but neglects the non-monetary salary, lacks the scientific salary adjustment system, the salary lacks the competition ability causes the staff to lose a lot. The main reasons for the problem are that the compensation system is not based on enterprise strategy and human resource strategy, the leaders lack the concept of salary management, the value of the position is not evaluated and the salary is not based on ability and performance Effective evaluation, there are obvious defects and deficiencies in the compensation system, salary system adjustment and management strategy and economic development level cannot be synchronized with the total salary investment is insufficient. This paper proposes that a reasonable salary management system should be established, and leaders should attach great importance to the concept of enterprise salary management, establish salary grade standard and ability performance appraisal system linked to salary, establish a scientific and effective compensation system, carry o


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