Justice League: War《正义联盟:战争(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Justice League: War《正义联盟:战争(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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《正义联盟:战争》 现在播报近日哥谭市发生的 恐怖挟持事件的最新进展情况 New insight on the rash of terrifying abductions plaguing Gotham City. 友情提示:以下画面不太适合未成年人观看 Warning: This footage may be too mature for younger audiences. 这位在哥谭市内肆无忌惮作乱的 会是传言中的蝙蝠侠吗 Is this the mysterious Batman whos been spotted in Gotham? 别再看了 麦克斯 Uh, stop it, Max. 太恐怖了 Too scary. 我就是蝙蝠侠 查利 Im the Batman, Charlie. 我要吸干hearts;你hearts;的血 Ive come to suck your blood. 嘿 等等 Hey, come on. 【哥谭市 中部时间 下午5:21】 给我停车 该死的 Stop the bus, damn it. 要去哪呀 老兄 Going somewhere, buddy? 好啊 你想玩玩 All right. You wanna dance? 我陪你玩 Lets dance. 没你的事了 美女 Your move, precious. 不 不 别 No, no. Dont. 该死 Crap. 楼层到了 Going UP 你救了我 You saved me. 理所应当的 我就是 Sure did. 你们一伙的吧 什么 The name isWhats the catch? 要多少钱 开个价吧 What? Whats it gonna cost me? 不用客气 女士 Youre welcome, lady. 那你把我扔这 要让我怎么下去 And how am I supposed to get down from here now? 现在看看 那毛孔悚然的家伙哪去了 Now, where did my creepy crawly get to? 高科技盔甲哈 Hightech armor, huh? 看起来还没有刚才好 Youre gonna have to do better than that. 好吧 是比刚才的好 Okay, that was better. 你在码头做什么 What were you doing at the docks? 回答我 I want answers. 蝙蝠侠 Batman? 真的是你 Youre real? 把灯关掉 Turn it off. 它是我抓到的 我知道 I had him. Clearly. 把那该死的灯关掉 在他们发现我们之前 Now, turn off the damn light before they see us. 谁发现我们 Before who sees us? 这里是哥谭警署 把双手举起来 把双手举起来 Put your hands in the air. Put your hands in the air. 他们不太喜欢我们 They dont like us much. 这个世界惧怕我们 The worlds afraid of us. 说得跟件好事似的 You say that like its a good thing. 必须的 Its necessary. 闪开 Move. 带上你的萤光棒回家吧 Take your glow stick and go home. 哥谭市是我的 Gothams mine. 不 听着 这整个星系都是我的管辖范围 No, see, this entire space sector is my beat. 是哦 Uhhuh. 我是认真的 Im serious. 我可是绿灯侠 天杀的 Im Green Lantern, damn it. 你hearts;他hearts;妈hearts;在干什么 WOMAN: What the hell did you do? 酷诶 Cool. 这家伙在哥谭市要干什么 GREEN LANTERN: So, whats it doing in Gotham? 有目击者称 Witnesses spotted this thing 看见他在市区安置某种炸hearts;弹hearts; trying to plant some kind of bomb downtown. 与警方对峙时 还会从口中喷出烈焰 When the cops confronted it,it spewed fire from its mouth. 是啊 我有


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